


DWU • 制作历史 • 生命统计 • 发行





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On 9月16日, a number of things set in or relevant to the Doctor Who universe were released or published.

  • 1965 - The novelisation of The Web Planet was first published by Frederick Muller.
  • 1967 - Episode three of The Tomb of the Cybermen was first broadcast on BBC1.
  • 1967 - Part three of the TV Comic story Egyptian Escapade was first published.
  • 1972 - Part five of the TV Action comic story The Ugrakks was first published.
  • 1978 - Part three of The Ribos Operation was first broadcast on BBC1.
  • 1982 - The novelisation of Full Circle was first published by Target Books.
  • 1989 - The Noel Edmond's Saturday Roadshow special was first broadcast.
  • 1993 - The novel Iceberg and the non-fiction book The Sixties were first published by Virgin Books.
  • 2004 - DWM 348 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 2010 - The graphic novel The Only Good Dalek was first published by BBC Books.
  • 2010 - DWA 184 was first released by BBC Magazines.
  • 2013 - Scream of the Shalka was released on DVD.
  • 2015 - The Yes Men was first released by Big Finish.
  • 2015 - Part one of the Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor comic story The Singer Not the Song and part thirteen of A Rose by Any Other Name were first published.
  • 2016 - The HAVOC Files was released on Kindle by Candy Jar Books.
  • 2016 - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 185 was released online.
  • 2020 - The Eighth Doctor: Time War: Volume Four was first released by Big Finish.
  • 2021 - DWM 569 was first released by Panini Comics.
  • 2021 - The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Volume Two was first released by Big Finish.