


神秘博士宇宙 • 制作历史 • 生命统计 • 发行

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In 2019年, a number of things set in or relevant to the Doctor Who universe were released or published.


  • January - Vortex 119 was published by Big Finish Productions.
  • January - The Face of Evil was first published by Obverse Books.
  • 1月1日 - Resolution was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 1月2日 - 13D 3 was published.
  • 1月2日 - Case File Eleven was released online.
  • 1月3日 - DWMSE 51: The 2019 Yearbook was published by Panini Comics.
  • 1月3日 - The Hollow King was first released by Big Finish.
  • 1月3日 - The audio Anthology Tenth Doctor Novels Volume 4 was first released by BBC Physical Audio.
  • 1月10日 - DWM 534 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 1月10日 - Doctor Who Adventures Special was published by Panini Comics.
  • 1月11日 - The soundtrack for Doctor Who - Series 11 was first released by Silva Screen.
  • 1月14日 - The Doctor Who Series 11 DVD boxset was first released by the BBC.
  • 1月15日 - Devil in the Mist was first released by Big Finish.
  • 1月16日 - The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8: Volume 1 were first released by Big Finish.
  • 1月19日 - The Vanishing Man was published by Titan Books.
  • 1月22日 - The Diary of River Song: Series Five was first released by Big Finish.
  • 1月24日 - The book Scratchman was first published by BBC Books.
  • 1月29日 - The First Doctor Adventures: Volume Three was first released by Big Finish.
  • 30 Janaury - 13D 4 was published.
  • 1月31日 - the Revisionists was released by Big Finish.


  • February - Vortex 120 was published by Big Finish.
  • 2月5日 - Missy: Series One was first released by Big Finish.
  • 2月6日 - Part four of the Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor comic story A New Beginning was first published by Titan Comics.
  • 2月7日 - DWM 535 was first released by Panini Comics.
  • 2月7日 - The Elysian Blade was released by BBC Audio.
  • 2月7日 - Inside the Looking Glass & Pure Light were released online by Obverse Books.
  • 2月7日 - The audio anthology The Earth Adventures Collection was first released by BBC Audio.
  • 2月11日 - A Farewell to R.M.S. , A Prelude to a Prelude & A Shift in Focus were released online by Obverse Books.
  • 2月12日 - Black Thursday and Power Game were first released by Big Finish.
  • 2月13日 - The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8: Volume 2 were first released by Big Finish.
  • 2月18日 - Resolution was first released on DVD and Blu-ray by the BBC.
  • 2月20日 - God Among Us 2 was first released by Big Finish.
  • 2月27日 - 13D 5 was published.
  • 2月28日 - The Astrea Conspiracy was released by Big Finish.


  • March - Vortex 121 was published by Big Finish.
  • March - Rise of the Dominator was first published.
  • March - The HAVOC Files 2: Special Edition was published, featuring two new stories: Vampires of the Night & Piece of Mind.
  • March - The Impossible Astronaut & Day of the Moon was first published by Obverse Books.
  • 3月6日 - Part one of the Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor comic story Hidden Human History was first published by Titan Comics.
  • 3月6日 - The audiobook version of The Doomsday Manuscript was released by Big Finish.
  • 3月7日 - DWM 536 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 3月7日 - Thirteen Doctors, 13 Stories, featuring the new story Time Lapse, and The 13 Doctors Collection was first published by Penguin Character Books.
  • 3月8日 - The Eighth of March was first released by Big Finish.
  • 3月12日 - The Kamelion Empire was first released by Big Finish.
  • 3月13日 - The Comic Strip Adaptations: Volume One was first released by Big Finish.
  • 3月18日 - The Blu-ray season box set The Collection: Season 18 was first released by BBC Studios.
  • 3月18日 - The reference book Bookwyrm: Volume 1: The New Adventures 1991-1997 was first released by ATB Publishing.
  • 3月20日 - Time War: Volume Two was first released by Big Finish.
  • 3月24日 - The Green Life was first released by Big Finish.
  • 3月25日 - Loud and Proud was made available for Big Finish Main Range subscribers.
  • 3月26日 - Night of the Fendahl was first released by Big Finish.
  • 3月27日 - Doctors and Dragons was released by Big Finish.


  • April - Vortex 122 was published by Big Finish.
  • 4月2日 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth was first published by Obverse Books.
  • 4月3日 - The audiobook version of Bernice Summerfield and the Gods of the Underworld was first released by Big Finish.
  • 4月4日 - DWM 537 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 4月4日 - Warriors' Gate and The Winged Coven were released by BBC Audio.
  • 4月9日 - Ravenous 3 was first released by Big Finish.
  • 4月10日 - 13D 6 was published.
  • 4月16日 - Year of the Drex Olympics was released by Big Finish.
  • 4月17日 - The Monsters of Gokroth was first released by Big Finish.
  • 4月18日 - DWMSE 52 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 4月23日 - About Time 9 was released by Mad Norwegian Press.
  • 4月30日 - UNIT: Incursions was first released by Big Finish.


  • May - Vortex 123 was published by Big Finish.
  • 5月1日 - 13D 7 was published.
  • 5月2日 - DWM 538 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 5月2日 - The audio anthology Ninth Doctor Novels Volume 1 was first released by BBC Physical audio.
  • 5月2日 - Warriors' Gate was first published by Obverse Books.
  • 5月4日 - The Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor comic story Meet the Fam! was published by Titan Comics.
  • 5月7日 - The Moons of Vulpana was first released by Big Finish.
  • 5月7日 - The graphic novel A New Beginning was first released by Titan Comics.
  • 5月8日 - The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume Five was first released by Big Finish.
  • 5月16日 - The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Volume Three was released by Big Finish Productions.
  • 5月16日 - The Runaway, an interactive virtual reality short film, was released on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.
  • 5月18日 - Lucy Wilson and the Bledoe Cadets was published.
  • 5月22日 - Sync was released by Big Finish.
  • 5月29日 - 13D 8 was published.
  • 5月30日 - DWM 539 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 5月30日 - Under ODIN's Eye was released by Big Finish.


  • June - Vortex 124 was published by Big Finish.
  • 6月5日 - Heritage 1 was first released by Big Finish.
  • 6月11日 - An Alien Werewolf in London was first released by Big Finish.
  • 6月12日 - The Lives of Captain Jack: Volume Two was first first released by Big Finish.
  • 6月16日 - 13D 9 was published.
  • 6月18日 - Sargasso was first released by Big Finish.
  • 6月19日 - God Among Us 3 was first released by Big Finish.
  • 6月19日 - The Subscriber Short Trips audio story Still Life was made available for Big Finish Main Range subscribers.
  • 6月27日 - DWM 540 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 6月27日 - The Same Face was released by Big Finish.


  • July - Vortex 125 was published by Big Finish.
  • 7月1日 - Horror of Fang Rock was first published by Obverse Books.
  • 7月3日 - Rage of the Time Lords was first released by Big Finish.
  • 7月4日 - Are You as Clever as a Time Lord? was first published by BBC Children's Books.
  • 7月8日 - The Blu-ray season box set The Collection: Season 10 was first released by BBC Studios.
  • 7月9日 - Serenity was first released by Big Finish.
  • 7月10日 - The Eighth Doctor: The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller: Volume One was first released by Big Finish.
  • 7月11日 - Memories of a Tyrant was first released by Big Finish.
  • 7月17日 - 13D 10 was published.
  • 7月17日 - The Legacy of Time was first released by Big Finish.
  • 7月18日 - Resurrection of the Daleks was first published by BBC Books.
  • 7月19日 - The vinyl version of The Evil of the Daleks was first released by Demon Records.
  • 7月25日 - DWM 541 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 7月31日 - Battle Scars was released by Big Finish.


  • August - Vortex 126 was published by Big Finish.
  • 8月8日 - DWMSE 53 was first released by Panini Comics.
  • 8月13日 - The Eighth Doctor: Time War: Volume Three was first released by Big Finish.
  • 8月13日 - The novelisation of Dæmos Rising was published by Telos Publishing.
  • 8月14日 - 13D 11 was published.
  • 8月14日 - Emissary of the Daleks was first released by Big Finish.
  • 8月21日 - The Hope was first released by Big Finish.
  • 8月22日 - DWM 542 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 8月27日 - The Diary of River Song: Series Six was first released by Big Finish.
  • 8月29日 - #HarrySullivan was released by Big Finish.


  • September - Vortex 127 was published by Big Finish.
  • 9月4日 - The Dimension Cannon was released by Big Finish.
  • 9月10日 - Buried Memories was first released by Big Finish.
  • 9月11日 - 13D 12 was published.
  • 9月13日 - Sheffield Steel: Essays on the Thirteenth Doctor was first published by Arcbeatle Press.
  • 9月17日 - Harry Houdini's War and Tartarus were both first released by Big Finish.
  • 9月18日 - The First Doctor: Volume Three was first released by Big Finish.
  • 9月19日 - DWM 543 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 9月19日 - Doctor Who The Official Annual 2020 was published by Penguin Group.
  • 9月20日 - The HAVOC Files: The Laughing Gnome was first published.
  • 9月24日 - The Vigil was first released by Big Finish.
  • 9月25日 - Latter Days was first released by Big Finish.
  • 9月30日 - Dead Media was released by Big Finish.


  • October - Vortex 128 was published by Big Finish.
  • October - Iris Wildthyme and the Polythene Terror & The Mystic Menagerie of Iris Wildthyme were first published by Obverse Books.
  • 10月2日 - The Second Oldest Question was released by Big Finish.
  • 10月3日 - The Scent of Blood and The Flight of the Sun God were both released by BBC Audio.
  • 10月3日 - Benny in Wonderland was first published by Big Finish.
  • 10月3日 - An Ocean of Sawdust was made available for Big Finish Main Range subscribers.
  • 10月7日 - The Blu-ray season box set The Collection: Season 23 was first released by BBC Studios.
  • 10月9日 - Ravenous 4 was first released by Big Finish.
  • 10月9日 - The recreated Mission to the Unknown was released on the official Doctor Who YouTube Channel.
  • 10月11日 - Homes Fires Burn was first published by Candy Jar Books.
  • 10月13日 - Lost in Time and Space: An Unofficial Guide to the Uncharted Journeys of Doctor Who was first published by Telos Publishing.
  • 10月15日 - Interstitial and Feast of Fear were first released by Big Finish.
  • 10月16日 - Heritage 2 was first released by Big Finish.
  • 10月16日 - The Reference Book What Is the Story of Doctor Who? was released by Penguin Workshop.
  • 10月17日 - DWM 544 was published by Panini Comics.
  • 10月23日 - Smashed was first released by Big Finish.
  • 10月24日 - The Target Storybook was first published by BBC Books.
  • 10月30日 - The novelisation Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor was released by Telos Publishing.


  • November - Vortex 129 was published by Big Finish.
  • 11月1日 - Kerblam! was first published by Obverse Books.
  • 11月2日 - Colouring Book was first published.
  • 11月4日 - The DVD and Blu-ray Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor were simultaneously released by Reeltime Pictures.
  • 11月5日 - Hall of the Ten Thousand was released by Big Finish.
  • 11月7日 - The Sinister Sponge & Other Stories was first released by BBC Audio.
  • 11月7日 - Dead Man's Switch was first released by Big Finish.
  • 11月12日 - Warzone and Conversion were first released by Big Finish.
  • 11月12日 - The VR video game The Edge of Time was released. Its soundtrack was also released.
  • 11月13日 - The Home Guard and Daughter of the Gods were first released by Big Finish.
  • 11月13日 - 13DHS 1 was released.
  • 11月14日 - DWM 545 was first released by Panini Comics.
  • 11月14日 - The novelisation of Revelation of the Daleks was released by BBC Books.
  • 11月14日 - Nightmare Country and The Ultimate Evil were both first released by Big Finish.
  • 11月23日 - The Shadowman was first published by Candy Jar Books.


  • December - Vortex 130 was published by Big Finish.
  • December - The Sound of Drums & Last of the Time Lords was first published by Obverse Books.
  • 12月4日 - Old Friends was first released by Titan Comics.
  • 12月5日 - Star Tales was first published by BBC Books.
  • 12月5日 - The anthology Dalek Attack: Blockade & Other Stories was first published by BBC Audio.
  • 12月6日 - The HAVOC Files: Loose Ends was first published by Candy Jar Books.
  • 12月9日 - Hypnonormalization: A Faction Hollywood Production & Vanishing Tales of the City were published by Obverse Books.
  • 12月10日 - Blood on Santa's Claw and Other Stories was first released by Big Finish.
  • 12月10日 - A Song For Running was made available for Big Finish Main Range subscribers.
  • 12月11日 - The Robots: Volume One was first released by Big Finish.
  • 12月11日 - The reference book The Brigadier: Declassified was first released by Candy Jar Books.
  • 12月12日 - DWM 546 was first released by Panini Comics.
  • 12月14日 - Top Trumps (pack 10) was first released by Winning Moves UK Ltd.
  • 12月17日 - Anti-Genesis was first released by Big Finish.
  • 12月18日 - Expectant was first released by Big Finish.
  • 12月18日 - 13DHS 2 was published.
  • 12月23日 - Peace in Our Time was released by Big Finish.
  • 12月23日 - On His Majesty's National Service was first published by Candy Jar Books.
  • 12月29日 - The Best-Laid Plans was first released by Big Finish.
  • 12月30日 - The Way of the Bry'Hunee & Death on The Waves were published by Thebes Publishing.