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In 2008年, a number of things set in or relevant to the Doctor Who universe were released or published.


  • January - AUDIO: The Bride of Peladon was first released.
  • January - AUDIO: The Catalyst was first released.
  • January - AUDIO: Dalek Empire IV: The Fearless: Part 4 was first released.
  • January - AUDIO: The Wake was first released.
  • January - Series 1 of The Sarah Jane Adventures debuted in Canada on the BBC Kids cable network.
  • January - AUDIO: Dead London was first released.
  • January - PROSE: The Return of the King was released online.
  • 1月3日 - DWA 46 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 1月7日 - AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Silurians, AUDIO: The Sea Devils and AUDIO: Warriors of the Deep were re-released individually by BBC Audio.
  • 1月9日 - DWBIT 35 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 1月10日 - DWM 391 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 1月12日 - PROSE: Newtons Sleep was first published.
  • 1月14日 - Beneath the Surface box set was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 1月16日 - TV: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang was first broadcast on BBC Two, launching the second series of Torchwood.
  • 1月17日 - DWA 47 was first published by BBC Magazines. From this issue Doctor Who Adventures switched from fortnightly to weekly publication.
  • 1月19日 - DOC: Torchwood: All Access was broadcast on BBC Radio Wales.
  • 1月22日 - Torchwood: The Complete First Series box set was first released on DVD in Region 1.
  • 1月23日 - TV: Sleeper was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 1月23日 - TWD: Home and Hart was first broadcast on BBC Two, launching the second series of Torchwood Declassified.
  • 1月23日 - DWBIT 36 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 1月24日 - TWD: Sleepless in Cardiff was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 1月24日 - TM 1 was first published by Titan Magazines, launching Torchwood Magazine.
  • 1月24日 - John Barrowman published his autobiography, Anything Goes.
  • 1月24日 - DWA 48 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 1月27日 - HOMEVID: Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough was released by BBV Productions.
  • 1月30日 - TV: To the Last Man was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 1月31日 - TWD: Step Back in Time was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 1月31日 - DWA 49 was first published by BBC Magazines.


  • February - AUDIO: The Condemned was first released.
  • February - AUDIO: Max Warp was first released.
  • 2月4日 - AUDIO: Everyone Says Hello, AUDIO: Hidden, AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Brain of Morbius and AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Space War were first released by BBC Audio.
  • 2月4日 - The Time Meddler was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 2月6日 - TV: Meat was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 2月6日 - Torchwood: The Complete First Series box set, Destiny of the Daleks and The Complete Davros Collection box set were first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 2月6日 - DWBIT 37 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 2月7日 - TWD: Save the Whale was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 2月7日 - DWA 50 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 2月7日 - DWM 392 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 2月13日 - TV: Adam was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 2月13日 - TV: Reset was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 2月14日 - TWD: Past Imperfect was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 2月14日 - DWA 51 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 2月20日 - TV: Dead Man Walking was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 2月20日 - TWD: Animal Pharm was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 2月20日 - DWBIT 38 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 2月21日 - TM 2 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 2月21日 - DWA 52 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 2月27日 - TV: A Day in the Death was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 2月27日 - COMIC: Agent Provocateur 1 was first published by IDW Publishing.
  • 2月28日 - TWD: Death Defying was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 2月28日 - PROSE: Revenge of the Judoon (Quick Reads) was first published by BBC Books.
  • 2月28日 - DWA 53 was first published by BBC Magazines.


  • March - AUDIO: The Dark Husband was first released.
  • March - PROSE: Short Trips: Defining Patterns was first published.
  • March - AUDIO: Brave New Town was first released.
  • 3月3日 - The Five Doctors: 25th Anniversary Edition was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 3月3日 - AUDIO: The Monster of Peladon was first released by BBC Audio.
  • 3月4日 - Planet of Evil and Destiny of the Daleks were first released on DVD in Region 1.
  • 3月5日 - TV: Something Borrowed was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 3月5日 - Beneath the Surface box set was first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 3月5日 - DWBIT 39 and DWBIT Ultimate Monsters Special were first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 3月6日 - TWD: Dead Eyes Open was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 3月6日 - PROSE: The Twilight Streets, PROSE: Trace Memory and PROSE: Something in the Water were first published by BBC Books.
  • 3月6日 - DWM 393 was first published by Panini Comics, containing AUDIO: Cuddlesome.
  • 3月6日 - PROSE: Lost Luggage (Decide Your Destiny), PROSE: Second Skin (Decide Your Destiny), PROSE: The Dragon King (Decide Your Destiny), PROSE: The Horror of Howling Hill (Decide Your Destiny) and REF: Activity Annual were first published by BBC Children's Books.
  • 3月6日 - DWA 54 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 3月10日 - Voyage of the Damned was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 3月12日 - TV: From Out of the Rain was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 3月13日 - TWD: Something New was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 3月13日 - DWA 55 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 3月19日 - TV: Adrift was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 3月19日 - TWD: In Living Colour was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 3月19日 - DWBIT 40 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 3月20日 - TM 3 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 3月20日 - DWA 56 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 3月21日 - TV: Fragments was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 3月21日 - TWD: Quid Pro Quo was first broadcast on BBC Two.
  • 3月22日 - AUDIO: Dalek, I Love You Too was first broadcast on BBC Radio 7.
  • 3月27日 - DWA 57 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 3月28日 - TWD: Clean State was first broadcast on BBC Two.


  • 4月1日 - Timelash and The Time Warrior were first released on DVD in Region 1.
  • 4月2日 - The Time Meddler was first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 4月2日 - DWBIT 41 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 4月3日 - DWA 58 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 4月3日 - DWM 394 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 4月4日 - TV: Exit Wounds was first broadcast on BBC Two, ending Torchwood's second series.
  • 4月4日 - TWD: Avulsion was first broadcast on BBC Two, also ending Torchwood Declassified's second series.
  • 4月5日 - TV: Partners in Crime was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 4月5日 - CON: A Noble Return was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 4月7日 - AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Creature from the Pit and AUDIO: Doctor Who - The Myth Makers were first released by BBC Audio.
  • 4月10日 - PROSE: Martha in the Mirror, PROSE: Snowglobe 7 and PROSE: The Many Hands were first published by BBC Books.
  • 4月10日 - DWMSE 19 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 4月10日 - DWA 59 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 4月12日 - TV: The Fires of Pompeii was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 4月12日 - CON: The Italian Job was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 4月14日 - Black Orchid was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 4月16日 - AUDIO: The Skull of Sobek was first released.
  • 4月16日 - DWBIT 42 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 4月16日 - Torchwood Trading Card Collection was first released by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 4月17日 - TM 4 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 4月17日 - DWA 60 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 4月18日 - The American Sci-Fi Channel ended its broadcasts of Series 3 with Voyage of the Damned.
  • 4月19日 - TV: Planet of the Ood was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 4月19日 - CON: Oods and Ends was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 21-4月22日 - The Big Finish audio story The Destroyer of Delights was recorded at the Moat Studios.
  • 4月24日 - DWA 61 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 4月26日 - TV: The Sontaran Stratagem was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 4月26日 - CON: Send in the Clones was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 4月30日 - AUDIO: The Haunting of Thomas Brewster was first released.
  • 4月30日 - DWBIT 43 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.


  • May - AUDIO: Assassin in the Limelight was first released.
  • May - AUDIO: Grand Theft Cosmos was first released.
  • May - AUDIO: Body Politic was released.
  • May - COMIC: The World Shapers graphic novel was first published by Panini Books.
  • 5月1日 - COMIC: In-Flight Entertainment (BBC Writers' Comics) was first published online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 5月1日 - REF: 3-D Monster Masks, REF: A Tale of Two Time Lords Sticker Guide and REF: Monster Mini Sticker Book were first published by BBC Children's Books.
  • 5月1日 - DWA 62 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 5月1日 - DWM 395 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • c.5月2日 - Trailer Maker was launched online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 5月3日 - TV: The Poison Sky was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 5月3日 - CON: Sontar-Ha! was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 5月5日 - The Invasion of Time and Bred for War box set were first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 5月8日 - AUDIO: The Romans and AUDIO: Pest Control were first released by BBC Audio.
  • 5月8日 - The Five Doctors: 25th Anniversary Edition was first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 5月8日 - DWA 63 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 5月9日 - COMIC: Mind Shadows (BBC Writers' Comics) was first published online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 5月10日 - TV: The Doctor's Daughter was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 5月10日 - CON: Sins of the Fathers was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 5月10日 - PROSE: Short Trips: The Quality of Leadership was first published.
  • 5月14日 - DWBIT 44 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 5月15日 - COMIC: Destiny's Door (BBC Writers' Comics) and COMIC: Fuel (BBC Writers' Comics) were was first published online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 5月15日 - TM 5 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 5月15日 - DWA 64 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 5月15日 - REF: Starships and Spacestations was first published by BBC Books.
  • 5月16日 - Top Trumps: Doctor Who was released by Eidos Interactive for PC, PlayStation 2 and Nintendo DS.
  • 5月17日 - TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 5月17日 - CON: Nemesis was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 5月22日 - DWA 65 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 5月28日 - DWBIT 45 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 5月29日 - COMIC: The Beast Is Back In Town (BBC Writers' Comics) was first published online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 5月29日 - DWA 66 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 5月29日 - DWM 396 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 5月31日 - TV: Silence in the Library was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 5月31日 - CON: Shadow Play was first broadcast on BBC Three.


  • June - AUDIO: The Death Collectors was first released.
  • June - AUDIO: Beyond the Sea was first published.
  • June - AUDIO: The Zygon Who Fell to Earth was first released.
  • 6月2日 - Doctor Who: Series 4 Volume 1 was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 6月3日 - Beneath the Surface box set was first released on DVD in Region 1.
  • 6月5日 - COMIC: Mad Martha (BBC Writers' Comics) was first published online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 6月5日 - DWA 67 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 6月5日 - Black Orchid was first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 6月7日 - TV: Forest of the Dead was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 6月7日 - CON: River Runs Deep was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 6月7日 - The Daily Mirror newspaper gave away a free sheet of Merlin Stickers.
  • 6月8日 - The Sunday Mirror newspaper gave away a second free sheet of Merlin Stickers.
  • 6月9日 - The Daily Mirror newspaper gave away a third free sheet of Merlin Stickers.
  • 6月10日 - The Daily Mirror newspaper gave away a fourth free sheet of Merlin Stickers.
  • 6月11日 - DWBIT 46 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 6月11日 - The Daily Mirror newspaper gave away a fifth free sheet of Merlin Stickers.
  • 6月12日 - AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion and AUDIO: Doctor Who - Black Orchid were first released by BBC Audio.
  • 6月12日 - COMIC: Escape to Penhaxico (BBC Writers' Comics) was first published online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 6月12日 - DWA 68 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 6月12日 - The Daily Mirror newspaper gave away a sixth free sheet of Merlin Stickers.
  • 6月13日 - The Daily Mirror newspaper gave away a seventh free sheet of Merlin Stickers.
  • 6月14日 - TV: Midnight was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 6月14日 - CON: Look Who's Talking was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 6月14日 - Top Trumps (pack 3) was first released by Winning Moves UK Ltd.
  • 6月16日 - K9 Tales box set was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 6月19日 - COMIC: Just Another Thursday (BBC Writers' Comics) was first published online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 6月19日 - TM 6 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 6月19日 - DWA 69 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 6月21日 - TV: Turn Left was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 6月21日 - CON: Here Come the Girls was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 6月25日 - DWBIT 47 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 6月26日 - COMIC: Who Ate All the Biscuits? (BBC Writers' Comics) was first published online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 6月26日 - DWA 70 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 6月26日 - DWM 397 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 6月28日 - TV: The Stolen Earth was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 6月28日 - CON: Friends and Foe was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 6月30日 - Torchwood: The Complete First Series box set was first released on Blu-ray & HD DVD in Region 2.
  • 6月30日 - Torchwood: The Complete Second Series box set was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 6月30日 - Voyage of the Damned was first released on DVD in Region 4.


  • July - AUDIO: Here There Be Monsters was first released.
  • July - AUDIO: Sisters of the Flame was first released.
  • 7月1日 - PROSE: Short Trips: Transmissions was first published.
  • 7月3日 - The Invasion of Time was first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 7月3日 - REF: Tattoo Activity Book, REF: Doctor Who Files 13: The Sontarans (containing PROSE: Blind Terror) and REF: Doctor Who Files 14: The Ood (containing PROSE: Disappearing Act) were first published by BBC Children's Books.
  • 7月3日 - DWA 71 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 7月4日 - COMIC: The Baktek Illusion was first published online on the Doctor Who website, concluding the BBC Writers' Comics special series.
  • 7月5日 - TV: Journey's End was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 7月5日 - CON: End of an Era was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 7月6日 - Partners in Crime was broadcast on ABC in Australia.
  • 7月7日 - Doctor Who: Series 4 Volume 2 was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 7月8日 - Bred for War box set was first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 7月9日 - DWBIT 48 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 7月10日 - AUDIO: The Sensorites was first released by BBC Audio.
  • 7月10日 - DWA 72 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 7月14日 - Top Trumps Collectors Edition: 45 Years of Time Travel was first released by Winning Moves UK Ltd.
  • 7月17日 - TM 7 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 7月17日 - DWA 73 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 7月21日 - The Brain of Morbius was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 7月23日 - Publication of COMIC: Doctor Who Classics Volume 1, a graphic novel-style release reprinting the first few issues of COMIC: Doctor Who Classics by IDW Publishing, took place.
  • 7月23日 - DWBIT 49 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 7月24日 - DWA 74 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 7月24日 - DWM 398 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 7月27日 - Doctor Who at the Proms (2008) concert was broadcast live on BBC Radio 3.
  • 7月27日 - DOC: Twenty Minutes: Let's Do the Time Warp Again was broadcast on BBC Radio 3.
  • 7月30日 - AUDIO: The Boy That Time Forgot was first released.
  • 7月31日 - DWA 75 was first published by BBC Magazines.


  • August - AUDIO: The Doomwood Curse was first released.
  • August - AUDIO: The Great Space Elevator was first released.
  • August - AUDIO: The Adolescence of Time was first released.
  • August - AUDIO: The Vengeance of Morbius was first released.
  • 8月1日 - The American Sci-Fi Channel broadcasted Journey's End.
  • 8月1日 - PROSE: Doctor Who Storybook 2009 was first published by Panini Books.
  • 8月4日 - Doctor Who: Series 4 Volume 3 was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 8月5日 - The Time Meddler, The Five Doctors: 25th Anniversary Edition and Black Orchid were first released on DVD in Region 1.
  • 8月6日 - Doctor Who: Series 4 Volume 1 was first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 8月6日 - DWBIT 50 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 8月7日 - DWA 76 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 8月7日 - DWAN: Doctor Who The Official Annual 2009 was first published by BBC Children's Books.
  • 8月8日 - The Canadian premiere of Torchwood Series 2 took place on the Space network.
  • 8月11日 - 2009 Desk Calendar and Time Planner were first published by BBC Children's Books.
  • 8月13日 - COMIC: Agent Provocateur 6 was first published by IDW Publishing.
  • 8月14日 - AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Dæmons and AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Pyramids of Mars were first released by BBC Audio.
  • 8月14日 - TM 8 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 8月14日 - DWA 77 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 8月20日 - TF 1 was first published by IDW Publishing.
  • 8月20日 - DWBIT 51 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 8月21日 - DWA 78 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 8月21日 - DWM 399 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 8月22日 - Torchwood The Official Magazine Yearbook 2008 was first published by Titan Books.
  • 8月25日 - The War Machines was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 8月28日 - DWA 79 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 8月29日 - COMIC: Agent Provocateur graphic novel was first published by IDW Publishing.


  • September - AUDIO: Kingdom of Silver was first released.
  • September - AUDIO: Time Reef was first released.
  • September - AUDIO: The Doll of Death was first released.
  • September - AUDIO: The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel was first released.
  • 9月1日 - Doctor Who: Series 4 Volume 4 was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 9月2日 - The Invasion of Time and K9 Tales box set were first released on DVD in Region 1.
  • 9月3日 - DWBIT 52 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 9月4日 - K9 Tales box set and Doctor Who: Series 4 Volume 2 were first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 9月4日 - PROSE: Ghosts of India, PROSE: Shining Darkness and PROSE: The Doctor Trap were first published by BBC Books.
  • 9月4日 - DWMSE 20 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 9月4日 - DWA 80 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 9月10日 - The first Torchwood radio drama, AUDIO: Lost Souls was broadcast on BBC Radio 4.
  • 9月11日 - AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Green Death was first released by BBC Audio.
  • 9月11日 - TM 9 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 9月11日 - DWA 81 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 9月15日 - Four to Doomsday was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 9月16日 - Torchwood: The Complete Second Series box set was first released on DVD in Region 1 (US only).
  • 9月17日 - DWBIT 53 and DWBIT Devastator Special were first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 9月18日 - AUDIO: Lost Souls was first released by BBC Audio.
  • 9月18日 - DWA 82 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 9月18日 - DWM 400 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 9月19日 - The broadcast of Series 4 of Doctor Who began on the CBC in Canada with Partners in Crime.
  • 9月25日 - REF: The Writer's Tale was first published by BBC Books.
  • 9月25日 - REF: Dalek Pop-up Model Kit, REF: Space Travels and REF: Quiz Book 4 were first published by BBC Children's Books.
  • 9月25日 - DWA 83 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 9月29日 - TV: The Last Sontaran Part One was first broadcast on CBBC on BBC One.
  • 9月29日 - TV: The Last Sontaran Part Two was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 9月29日 - The Trial of a Time Lord box set was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 9月30日 - AUDIO: Doctor Who: the Stageplays - The Ultimate Adventure was first released.
  • 9月30日 - The anthology PROSE: Short Trips: How the Doctor Changed My Life was first published by Big Finish.


  • October - AUDIO: Brotherhood of the Daleks was first released.
  • October - AUDIO: Empathy Games was first released.
  • 10月1日 - DWBIT 54 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 10月1日 - REF: The Ultimate Quiz Book was first published by BBC Children's Books.
  • 10月2日 - The Brain of Morbius and Doctor Who: Series 4 Volume 3 were first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 10月2日 - DWA 84 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 10月6日 - TV: The Day of the Clown Part One was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 10月6日 - COMIC: The Betrothal of Sontar graphic novel was first published.
  • 10月7日 - The Brain of Morbius, The Trial of a Time Lord box set and The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Complete First Series box set were first released on DVD in Region 1.
  • 10月9日 - AUDIO: The Forever Trap was first released by BBC Audio.
  • 10月9日 - TM 10 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 10月9日 - DWA 85 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 10月13日 - TV: The Day of the Clown Part Two was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 10月15日 - TF 2 was first published by IDW Publishing.
  • 10月15日 - DWBIT 55 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 10月16日 - DWA 86 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 10月16日 - DWM 401 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 10月20日 - TV: Secrets of the Stars Part One was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 10月23日 - DWA 87 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 10月24日 - Torchwood Series 2 concluded in Canada.
  • 10月27日 - TV: Secrets of the Stars Part Two was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 10月27日 - PROSE: Almost Perfect, PROSE: Pack Animals and PROSE: SkyPoint were first published by BBC Books.
  • 10月29日 - DWBIT 56 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 10月30日 - AUDIO: Doctor Who: the Stageplays - Seven Keys to Doomsday was first released.
  • 10月30日 - DWA 88 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 10月31日 - AUDIO: The Diet of Worms was first released.


  • November - AUDIO: Forty-Five was first released.
  • November - AUDIO: Home Truths was first released.
  • 11月2日 - AUDIO: Brave New Town was broadcast on BBC Radio 7.
  • 11月3日 - TV: The Mark of the Berserker Part One was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 11月6日 - PROSE: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?, PROSE: The Lost Boy, PROSE: The Last Sontaran and PROSE: Day of the Clown were first published by BBC Children's Books.
  • 11月6日 - TM 11 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 11月6日 - DWA 89 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 11月7日 - The War Machines and Doctor Who: Series 4 Volume 4 was first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 11月10日 - TV: The Mark of the Berserker Part Two was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 11月10日 - The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Complete First Series box set and Torchwood: The Complete Series One & Two box set were first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 11月11日 - Torchwood: The Complete Second Series box set was first released on DVD in Region 1 (Canada only).
  • 11月12日 - DWBIT 57 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 11月13日 - AUDIO: The Krotons, AUDIO: The Time Capsule, AUDIO: The Ghost House and AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Time Warrior were first released by BBC Audio.
  • 11月13日 - REF: The Time Traveller's Almanac was first published by BBC Books.
  • 11月13日 - DWA 90 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 11月13日 - DWM 402 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 11月14日 - A preview of TV: The Next Doctor was first broadcast on BBC One, as part of the BBC's annual Children in Need appeal.
  • 11月17日 - TV: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith Part One was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 11月17日 - Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series box set was first released on DVD in Region 2.
  • 11月17日 - Doctor Who: Series 4 soundtrack was first released by Silva Screen Records.
  • 11月18日 - The Infinite Quest and Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series box set were first released on DVD in Region 1.
  • 11月19日 - TF 3 was first published by IDW Publishing.
  • 11月20日 - DWA 91 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 11月24日 - TV: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith Part Two was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 11月24日 - The True History of Faction Paradox audio story AUDIO: Words from Nine Divinities was first released by Magic Bullet Productions.
  • 11月26日 - DWBIT 58 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 11月27日 - DWA 92 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 11月27日 - REF: Top Trumps Series Four was first published by J. H. Haynes & Co. Ltd.
  • 11月30日 - AUDIO: The Curse of the Daleks was first released.


  • 12月1日 - TV: Enemy of the Bane Part One was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 12月1日 - AUDIO: Masters of War was first released.
  • 12月2日 - PROSE: The Vampire Curse was first released.
  • 12月3日 - AUDIO: The Darkening Eye was first released.
  • 12月4日 - Four to Doomsday and Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series box set were first released on DVD in Region 4.
  • 12月4日 - TF 4 was first published by IDW Publishing.
  • 12月4日 - TM 12 was first published by Titan Magazines.
  • 12月4日 - DWA 93 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 12月5日 - Top Trumps: Doctor Who was released by Eidos Interactive for Nintendo Wii.
  • 12月5日 - GAME: Black Hole was first released online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 12月8日 - TV: Enemy of the Bane Part Two was first broadcast on The CBBC Channel.
  • 12月8日 - GAME: Cosmic Collider was first released online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 12月10日 - DWBIT 59 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 12月11日 - AUDIO: The Raincloud Man and AUDIO: Return of the Krotons were first released.
  • 12月11日 - DWA 94 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 12月11日 - DWM 403 was first published by Panini Comics.
  • 12月12日 - GAME: Cyber Quiz was first released online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 12月15日 - PROSE: Short Trips: Christmas Around the World was first published.
  • 12月18日 - DWA 95 was first published by BBC Magazines.
  • 12月19日 - GAME: Jobsworth Judoon was first released online on the Doctor Who website.
  • 12月24日 - DWBIT 60 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 12月25日 - TV: The Next Doctor was first broadcast on BBC One.
  • 12月25日 - CON: Confidential Christmas 2008 was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 12月25日 - CON: Top 5 Christmas Moments was first broadcast on BBC Three.
  • 12月26日 - PROSE: Beautiful Chaos, PROSE: The Eyeless and PROSE: The Story of Martha were first published by BBC Books.
  • 12月29日 - COMIC: Doctor Who Classics Volume 2, a graphic novel-style release reprinting issues of COMIC: Doctor Who Classics by IDW Publishing, was published.
  • 12月29日 - Battlefield was first released on Region 2 DVD.
  • 12月31日 - TM 13 was first published by Titan Magazines.

Unknown dates[]

  • Unknown - Silva Screen Records reissued Doctor Who - Series 1 and 2, a CD featuring music from the 2005 and 2006 series.
  • Unknown - GAME: Breakout was first released online on the SJA website.
  • Unknown - GAME: Kaagh Quest was first released online on the SJA website.
  • Unknown - GAME: Odd Bob's Balloon Blaster was first released online on the SJA website.
  • Unknown - GAME: Zodiac Zap was first released online on the SJA website.
  • Unknown - GAME: UNIT Code Hacker was first released online on the SJA website.
  • Unknown - GAME: Memory Mayhem! was first released online on the SJA website.
  • Unknown - Doctor Who Vortex Collection containing REF: Void Vision Activity Book, REF: Glow in the Dark Monsters Sticker Guide, REF: Time Lord in Training, REF: Quiz Book 3 and PROSE: The Spaceship Graveyard (Decide Your Destiny) was first published by BBC Children's Books.