


DWU • 制作历史 • 生命统计 • 发行





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On 2月11日, a number of things set in or relevant to the Doctor Who universe were released or published.

  • 1965 - The third Radio Times Doctor Who cover (dated February 13–19) featured the upcoming The Web Planet with a photo of the Zarbi and the Vortis landscape.
  • 1967 - Episode one of The Moonbase was first broadcast on BBC1.
  • 1967 - Part four of the TV Comic story The Trodos Ambush was first published.
  • 1978 - Part two of The Invasion of Time was first broadcast on BBC1.
  • 1978 - Part five of the TV Comic story The Snow Devils was first published.
  • 1982 - DWM 62 was first released by Marvel Comics.
  • 1988 - DWM 134 was first released by Marvel Comics.
  • 1999 - DWM 275 was first released by Marvel Comics.
  • 2002 - The audio story Excelis Dawns was first released by Big Finish Productions.[1]
  • 2004 - The Curse of Fenric was released on Region 4 DVD.
  • 2006 - Dalek, I Love You was first broadcast on BBC Radio 7.
  • 2008 - The Time Meddler was released on Region 2 DVD.
  • 2009 - DWDVDF 3 was first published by GE Fabbri Ltd.
  • 2010 - DWA 153 was first released by BBC Magazines.
  • 2013 - Spaceport Fear and The Sands of Life were released by Big Finish.
  • 2015 - Issue 9 of Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, which included the comic stories, The Weeping Angels of Mons part four and A Rose by Any Other Name part six, was first published by Titan Comics.
  • 2015 - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 107 was released online.
  • 2016 - The Legends of River Song was first released by BBC Books.
  • 2016 - DWFC 65 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
  • 2020 - The Psychic Circus was first released by Big Finish.


  1. Excelis Dawns. Retrieved on 4月 5, 2002.

