Zom was a low-gravity planet. It was the homeworld of twenty million members of a once violent criminal race. Beyond the city of Zombos, the agricultural lands (used to grow Krakwheat) were mechanised. The rest of the planet was swamp.
The Brains Trust was developed to find a solution to Zom's problems. They concluded that the cause of the planet's rampant crime was emotion, and in the controlled environment of the city of Zombos, emotion was removed. The people of Zombos were fitted with cranial sockets at birth, creating a direct link to the brain for the Harmoniser, an emotion-suppressing device. In extreme cases an Ultra-Harmoniser was used for a full brain wipe. There was much resistance to this. Emotion was later restored following the Fourth Doctor's visit, when the city was attacked by the Barabara. (COMIC: City of the Damned)
At some point in its history, Zom was placed under the protection of the Galactic Heritage. (PROSE: The Tomorrow Windows)