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The Yomalet-Ram was an alien creature who oversaw the Little Green Storage, a giant vault held underneath the Millennium Dome in London.

In 2007, the Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams and Andrew Brown visited the storage facility in search of all the time that had been harvested by Symington and Blenkinsop. The Yomalet-Ram knew the Doctor but in a different incarnation. The Doctor stole the Yomalet-Ram's master key and the group began opening several of the vaults in search for the one that they were looking for which set off the automatic defence system and caused several hundred acid-producing cockroaches to swarm them. When the group managed to escape, the Yomalet-Ram expressed their delight that they had survived but assured them that they had contractual obligations to adhere to in order to protect the property in its care.

The Doctor later travelled back in time and visited the storage facility in 1985. He made arrangements with the Yomalet-Ram to hide a pen-like laser device amongst Jane Blythe's possessions to ensure he was able to free himself from her imprisonment years later. (PROSE: Borrowed Time)


The Yomalet-Ram was a small genderless humanoid creature that floated above the ground. It was about half a meter tall and wore a black cowled robe and boots. It had a child's face with big eyes and a button nose, and its skin was extremely white - almost pale blue.

The Yomalet-Ram had a croaky voice in 2007, but when the Doctor encountered them in 1985 its voice was smooth. (PROSE: Borrowed Time)
