An in-universe version of Writer's Notes was printed in the interior booklet of The Scorchies, with a fictional version of the audio story's author James Goss looking back upon his childhood with the titular TV series of the audio story.
The practice of having brief works of fiction in CD booklets was seen previously with the stories in The Nest Cottage Chronicles audio series.
James Goss reminisces of how he grew up with The Scorchies Show, noting how it is still being discussed in the present day. He mentions how, unlike Sesame Street, The Scorchies Show only aimed to entertain as opposed to educate. He concludes by recommending us to go watch a clip of the series on YouTube, an act that absolutely isn't being forced upon him by Spell Cat.
Referenced only[]
- Students in pubs often argue over who voiced Mr Grizzfizzle.
- Amble the Fairly Ugly Doll has a Wikipedia page which is regularly hacked and altered.
- Sesame Street taught viewers the values of friendship.
- One time on The Scorchies Show, Alvin Stardust ended up covered in spaghetti bolognese.
- Goss mentions that watching any random clips of the series will make you fall into a state of "lovely nostalgic hypnosis".
- Spell Cat is seemingly another name for Cool Cat.
- From the mention of YouTube, it is evident that this story takes place in the 21st century, likely the same year as it was released, 2013.
- The Scorchies Show often features celebrities. (AUDIO: The Scorchies)