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The World Army-Air Force, (PROSE: GA34R Hunt) also styled World Army Air Force, (PROSE: Captain Black Surrenders) World Army-Airforce (PROSE: 7,124 M.P.H.) and World Army/Air Force, (PROSE: Catfight!) often shortened to Army-Air Force (PROSE: This is 2065) and known in its constituent parts as the World Air Force (PROSE: Search and Destroy) or the World Airforce (PROSE: Thunderbird One - Vanish Mystery) and the World Army (COMIC: The Penta Ray Factor) or the World Government Army, (PROSE: From Howard Whitehead) was the second section of the World Security Council in 2065. General McCormack was in complete charge with the main base located in Boscombe, the Security Council's main aircraft testing plant. (PROSE: This is 2065)

Agent Twenty One told Agent Howard Whitehead that USS HQ had used his plans for how to create model Daleks to plan a mock battle between the Daleks and the World Government Army. (PROSE: From Howard Whitehead)

In May 2066, World President Nikita Bandranaik ordered World Air Force bombers to drop cobalt bombs on Space City if an invading alien species who had landed there was not destroyed by Commander Zero's ground units within a certain timeframe. The bombers were ultimately ordered to overshoot Space City Island as they arrived just seconds after the threat was neutralised. (COMIC: The Syntex Mystery, PROSE: Search and Destroy)
