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You may be looking for the liquid.

Wine was a shade of purple named after a drink. [source needed]

The Third Doctor wore a wine bow tie when facing BOSS and giant maggots, as well as during Jo Grant's wedding to Clifford Jones; (TV: The Green Death) when confronting Mark V Daleks during their Exxilon Gambit, (TV: Death to the Daleks) and when dealing with Rutans in England during the 1970s. (AUDIO: The Children of the Future)

The Fourth Doctor wore a wine cheque waistcoat during the quest for the Key to Time. (TV: The Ribos Operation-The Armageddon Factor)

The Eighth Doctor wore a single-breasted waistcoat of wine brocade with a shawl collar and a gold fob watch round the Kotturuh crisis. (AUDIO: He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not, Mutually Assured Destruction; PROSE: All Flesh is Grass)

During his retirement to the Victorian era, the Eleventh Doctor wore a single-breasted frock coat of wine purple moleskin with black lamb fur lining. (TV: The Great Detective, The Snowmen) He also wore it during his travels with Valarie Lockwood; (AUDIO: The Inheritance-Victory of the Doctor) most notably when dealing with the New Dalek Paradigm including Special Weapons Daleks. (AUDIO: Daleks Victorious-Victory of the Doctor) Eventually, he wore it again during the Siege of Trenzalore. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The Tremas Master wore a wine velvet blazer during his dark sports with the Determinant, (GAME: Destiny of the Doctor) and during his alliance with Adam Mitchell. (COMIC: Cat and Mouse)

When poising as Professor Yana, the War Master wore a single breast waistcoat of wine brocade up to his death. His successor, the Saxon Master, wore it for some time. (TV: Utopia)

Sally Sparrow wore a wine top under her navy sweater vest when she met Weeping Angels. (TV: Blink)

Yasmin Khan wore a wine leather jacket. (TV: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos)

Albert Smithe wore a wine gilet when dreaming he was a scientist on the North Pole during Christmas Eve because of dream crabs. (TV: Last Christmas)

Professor Jeremiah P. Kettlewell wore a wine bow tie. (TV: Robot)

The Curator, taking the form of an older Sixth Doctor, wore a double-breasted frock coat of wine and peach pinstripe. (AUDIO: The Artist at the End of Time)

A parallel version of the Doctor wore a wine moleskin blazer when he and Bernice Summerfield fought Faction Cybermen on Nazi Germany. (AUDIO: Blood and Steel)
