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Francine Jones looks through a window. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)

A window was an opening through which a view could be observed.

Windows could sometimes be disguised as mirrors, particularly in prison or interrogation cells. (AUDIO: Poker Face) Shop windows were used to display merchandise. (PROSE: Rose)


In the 1890s, when the newly regenerated Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald were staying with the Paternoster Gang, Strax delivered a copy of The Times by throwing it through a window, hitting Clara in the head. (TV: Deep Breath)

In the 1920s, the Doctor met Nellie Melba and learned her party trick of shattering glass with a high-pitched note. The Fourth Doctor used it on Delta III to shatter a window, allowing rain to dampen vines constricting him, Romana I and Rohm-Dutt. (TV: The Power of Kroll)

During the Nestene's attempted invasion of Earth in the 1970s, Auton shop window dummies came to life, broke out of the windows and started killing people. (TV: Spearhead from Space)

On 5 March 2005, (TV: Aliens of London) shop window dummies burst through the glass windows at the Queens Arcade in London to attack the civilians. (TV: Rose, PROSE: Rose)

In the 2000s, Clyde Langer said that his lack of knowledge in chemistry was a result of watching the Park Vale Comprehensive School netball team through the window during his lessons. (TV: Sky)

In the 2010s, the Eleventh Doctor sent letters to a group of humans to thank them for saving him and the world, and, after he told them to look out for him returning to check up on them, he mentioned he would be watching their next birthdays through their windows from behind the shrubbery. (PROSE: Hello!)

In 2602, the Small Trianon was a building on the Braxiatel Collection that housed the Oracle of the Lost. It could be seen from Irving Braxiatel's bedroom window. (PROSE: Careless Talk)

In the 51st century, time windows could be created by pushing energy into a warp drive, as was done on the SS Madame de Pompadour. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace) The Doctor's TARDIS was also capable of opening time windows. (TV: Death Is the Only Answer)

In the 56th century, during a night of unrest in Empire City, Elena Salcha and Tom Jakovv got drunk and made love on a waterbed in the smashed window of Tyack's Fittings. (PROSE: Tragedy Day)

After he realised that he had regenerated into a body identical to his tenth incarnation, the Fourteenth Doctor checked out his reflection in a shop window. He noticed that he looked slightly older than the last time he had this face, as well as needing a shave (PROSE: The Star Beast)

Undated events[]

A Tomorrow Window was a device invented by Astrabel Zar and Charlton Mackerel that allowed an individual to see their future. (PROSE: The Tomorrow Windows)
