War During Peacetime was the seventh story in The Book of the Peace.
to be added
- The Spiral Politic exists as a fractalling Fibonacci form, which the War in Heaven spread throughout.
- Hedeth and Maddox have been tracking Faction Paradox for years.
- The Houses have an asset recall system to prevent corpses of their soldiers from remaining in the Spiral Politic.
- Noriko modifies traditional Faction rituals using the I Ching.
- War During Peacetime was accompanied in the author-curated Spotify playlist by the songs War by Henry Cow, Mother Sky by Can, and Electrostatic Field Equations by Nocturnal Emmissions.[1]
- Hedeth and Maddox remember Dust's history as "Foreman's World". (PROSE: Interference)
- Foreman's World was discovered by human Generation Arks. (TV: The Ark, et al.)
- Due to the War in Heaven fractalling throughout reality, all conflicts are reflections of the larger War. (PROSE: Weapons Grade Snake Oil)
- Hedeth remembers hearing that soldiers at the Battle of Mons caught a glimpse of a higher level of the War. (PROSE: No Enemy But Despair, COMIC: The Weeping Angels of Mons)
- Hedeth reflects that news of the Peace is spreading, (PROSE: The End of the Beginning, Going Once, Going Twice, et al.) signalling a Re-anchoring of the Thread to initiate the Peace. (PROSE: The Book of the War)
- Maddox tracks the Faction's Artron energy. (TV: The Deadly Assassin, AUDIO: Day of the Master, et al.)
- Faction Paradox are converging at Dust. (PROSE: The End of the Beginning)
- Hedeth believes something significant happened on Foreman's World before the outbreak of the War as a result of War-time powers preparing for the conflict. (PROSE: Interference)
- As regen-inf servants of the Great Houses, (PROSE: Dead Romance, The Book of the War) Hedeth and Maddox have nanotech in their bodies. (PROSE: Twilight of the Gods)
- Maddox calls Dust a level 5 planet. (TV: City of Death, Smith and Jones, et al.)
- Hedeth has a time bracelet. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks, PROSE: Warlords of Utopia)