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Walking in Eternity was a series of one charity anthology privately printed and distributed in May 2001 in return for donations to the Foundation for the Study of Infant Death. Sales of the book raised over £2000 for FSID. Some of the anthology's stories were written by authors of official Doctor Who universe material, with three of the stories notably reprinted in Obverse Books' Iris Wildthyme collection Bafflement & Devotion: Iris at the Edges.

The title references the Fourth Doctor's famous line in Pyramids of Mars, "The Earth isn't my home, Sarah. I'm a Time Lord. […] I walk in eternity."


Walking in Eternity[]

Walking in Eternity was edited by Jay Eales, who had previously co-edited Perfect Timing 2. Eales intentionally sought wild submissions with the goal of differentiating the anthology from Missing Pieces, saying, "If Missing Pieces is about building a big brick wall of continuity, with its stories as the grouting, to make the best damn wall you can have, WinE is about taking that beautiful big continuity wall, and setting dynamite at the base, blowing it up and then building something new and equally lovely out of the bits."[1] A similar theme had been pursued by many of the same contributors in the fully licensed 2000 Short Trips anthology Short Trips and Side Steps.

Eales later edited Obverse's 2013 Faction Paradox anthology Burning with Optimism's Flames, which saw the return of several authors from Walking in Eternity, including Sarah Hadley and Alan Taylor as well as returning Faction Paradox contributors Kelly Hale, Simon Bucher-Jones, Philip Purser-Hallard, and Jonathan Dennis.

Publisher's summary[]

Hoaxes! Dreams! Imaginary stories!

Or perhaps the truth?

Stripped of the trademark quarries, corridors and creaky sets, television’s most celebrated time traveller returns to explore some of the darker (and lighter) corners of the universe.


Title Writer Notes
In the Sixties Paul Magrs Features licensed use of Iris Wildthyme. Reprinted in Bafflement & Devotion and, with unlicensed names changed, Twelve Stories.
Pop Culture Reference Scott Longmuir
Over Your Shoulder Simon Exton
Wetware Alex Steer
Changing Rooms (With No Doors) Mark Michalowski
What Does it Profit A Man? Arfie Mansfield
Hall of Me Mike Collins
Satisfaction Guaranteed Arnold Blumberg
Biggles And The Fractured Dimensions Finn Clark
Mercy Kelly Hale
Dark Time John Smith
The Wee Man Iain Hepburn
Cracks in the Pavement Robert Parker
What Guns Do[2] Dale Smith
Dr Who & The Zodiac Of Death David Bishop
The Rainbow Man Robert Smith
Analysis Mark Clapham Features his original characters the 42nd Doctor and Iphegenia.
Pulp of the Black Lotus Simon Bucher-Jones
Eucatastrophe Mags L. Halliday
Caught in Margate: The Itching Matt Marshall
Cabinet of Changes[3] Philip Purser-Hallard An unofficial epilogue to The Blue Angel. Reprinted in Bafflement & Devotion with licensed use of Iris Wildthyme et al.
Feeding Frenzy Stephen Gallagher
True Colours Steven Kitson
To Catch a Fox Philip Parneker
The Courage of My Convictions James Potter
Doctor Crypptic Jon DeBurgh Miller
Davros: The Early Years Rupert Booth, Barry Williams
Constance Paul Ferry
Timebomb Kathryn Sullivan, Selina Lock
The Feast of St Crispin Crispianus Louise Sellers
Man of Smoke and Dust Sarah Hadley, Nick Campbell Introduces Johanna Adell, who would later appear in A Star's View of Caroline.
Executive Action Lance Parkin Expands on the period of early Gallifreyan history developed in Cold Fusion and The Infinity Doctors. Features Marvel Comics' Fascination.
Out of the Shadows Dave Whittam
Bell, Book and Candle Jay Eales
Foule Death Nick Lancaster
Thorns Helen Fayle
No Regrets Phil Hall
Loving in a Box Rich Johnston
The Resurrection Event Dave Stone
Dreams Per Chance Ian McIntire
A Tale of Two Teachers Paul 'Brax' Castle
Iris Wildthyme and the Spiders from Magrs Alan Taylor Reprinted in Bafflement & Devotion with licensed use of Iris Wildthyme.
Don't Mention the War! John Elledge
Hanging Chads[4] Jonathan Dennis Later referenced in Head of State.

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