The United Kingdom, (often abbreviated as UK) known at various times by its formal title of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, was a European nation. It was composed of the nations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The Doctor frequently visited the United Kingdom throughout their lives. Due to this association, the UK was often the first line of defence against alien invasion. The Twelfth Doctor noted that more alien incursions had taken place in the United Kingdom than anywhere else on the planet but that he had no idea why this was the case. (PROSE: A History of Humankind [+]Official Guides (BBC Children's Books, 2016).)
The United Kingdom was at times referred to simply as England. (PROSE: World Game [+]Terrance Dicks, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2005).)
The UK was in northern Europe with only the English Channel between itself and the mainland. (TV: The Reign of Terror, et al.)
Constituent nations[]
The United Kingdom was cited by the Countess as an example of a nation which began as "separate little kingdoms that gradually unified". (PROSE: World Game [+]Terrance Dicks, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2005).) When it was founded in 1603, the United Kingdom consisted of England and Scotland. (PROSE: The Dying Days [+]Lance Parkin, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) It included Wales. (PROSE: World Game [+]Terrance Dicks, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2005).)
In 1879, the kingdom consisted of Great Britain and Ireland. (TV: Tooth and Claw [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).) Although, in the 20th and 21st centuries, it consisted of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (PROSE: The Flaming Soldier [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW., The Daughters of Earth [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW., AUDIO: Minuet in Hell)
In the 3290s, the Eleventh Doctor welcomed Amy Pond aboard the Starship UK, calling it the "United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland". Notably, Scotland had its own starship, separate from the rest of the kingdom. (TV: The Beast Below [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010).)
Other territories[]
British Overseas Territories included the Ascension Island as well as the islands of St Helena and Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic Ocean. (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Steve Tribe, BBC Books (2008). Chapter 3, "Everything Changes"; Page 148.)
According to Susan Foreman, the United Kingdom was characterised by short mild winters, with London being a relatively temperate climactic zone. (PROSE: Time and Relative [+]Kim Newman, Telos Doctor Who novella (Telos Publishing, 2001).)
The UK was known for its frequent raining. When it was raining in a Scottish car park, Amy Pond deduced that it must be Great Britain. (PROSE: Apollo 23 [+]Justin Richards, BBC New Series Adventures (BBC Books, 2010).) The presence of rain clouds told the Second Doctor that he, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot had arrived in England during the summer. (TV: The Invasion [+]Derrick Sherwin, Doctor Who season 6 (BBC1, 1968).)
It constantly rained in Cardiff, (TV: Everything Changes [+]Russell T Davies, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006)., Ghost Machine [+]Helen Raynor, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006)., They Keep Killing Suzie, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, Meat, Adam) as well as in Colchester. (PROSE: Byzantium! [+]Keith Topping, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2001).) Wellington was also well-known for its rain; hard, torrential rain was in fact dubbed "Wellington rain". (PROSE: World Game [+]Terrance Dicks, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2005).)
- Main article: British government
The government of the United Kingdom was led by a Prime Minister who was appointed by a democratic vote. Together, the Prime Minister and ministers formed the Cabinet. The Cabinet traditionally operated out of the Houses of Parliament. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth [+]Terry Nation, Doctor Who season 2 (BBC1, 1964)., Aliens of London [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) Members of Parliament each had their own constituency where they were also empowered by a vote. (TV: Aliens of London [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) By 2027, the monarchy had been restored to full power and once again ruled England, and hence the UK. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family)
In a parallel UK the Third Doctor visited, the Republic of Great Britain was in control. (TV: Inferno) In a parallel world in which Donna Noble turned right on Little Sutton Street, the UK fell into chaos and an Emergency Government acting on martial law came into power. (TV: Turn Left)
Military power was a significant feature of the UK's prowess. It allowed the British Empire to stretch to far off lands such as India. (TV: Tooth and Claw [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).) The British Army formed the primary ground force. Early troops were given the name Redcoats, because of the colour of their uniform. (TV: The Highlanders) The term "Tommies" was applied to British troops during World War I and World War II. (TV: To the Last Man, Victory of the Daleks [+]Mark Gatiss, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010).)
The Royal Navy (TV: The Sea Devils) and Royal Air Force (TV: The Seeds of Doom) each held their own roles in the military. UNIT also acted in the defence of the UK, largely against alien threats and in association with the Doctor. (TV: The Invasion [+]Derrick Sherwin, Doctor Who season 6 (BBC1, 1968)., Spearhead from Space, The Ambassadors of Death, Terror of the Autons, The Mind of Evil, et al.)
The Torchwood Institute was formed by Queen Victoria to fight alien threats. As opposed to UNIT, Torchwood was solely based in the British Empire, and later the United Kingdom after 1924. (TV: Tooth and Claw [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006)., Everything Changes [+]Russell T Davies, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006)., AUDIO: Golden Age) Its success led to it developing an almost mythical state[additional sources needed], and it branched off into several divisions. (TV: Army of Ghosts, Everything Changes [+]Russell T Davies, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006).)
MI5 was a similar organisation. Although it was not directly created to deal with alien threats, it still did so upon occasion. It was based in Thames House, London. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Three [+]Russell T Davies and James Moran, Torchwood series 3 (BBC One, 2009).)
Whilst Torchwood was beyond the police and unanswerable to the government, the government had its own special division whose remit was the strange and the unusual - the Preternatural Research Bureau, or P.R.O.B.E. By 1994, the organisation was grossly understaffed and underfunded and at risk of having its funding withdrawn, suffering indifference and derision from the government and Scotland Yard. It was still operational in 2015, however. (HOMEVID: The Zero Imperative, When to Die)
External influence[]
Influence on the Doctor[]
The Doctor had an obsession with the United Kingdom. Most of their journeys to Earth brought them to the UK. For this reason, the Doctor had an intimate knowledge of the countries' history and had acquainted themselves with many of its historical figures. They were even a friend of the monarchy. (TV: Voyage of the Damned, et al.) The Doctor took on much of the UK's culture. They frequently drank tea and even took on the accents, whether English or Scottish. (TV: An Unearthly Child [+]Anthony Coburn, adapted from The Pilot Episode (Anthony Coburn), Doctor Who season 1 (BBC tv, 1963)., Time and the Rani, Rose, Deep Breath) The Eighth Doctor even decided that he was British because of this attachment. (TV: Doctor Who) When visiting other countries, it was often suggested that this incarnation was British either because of his appearance, mannerisms, accent or all three. (PROSE: History 101 [+]Mags L. Halliday, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2002)., TV: Doctor Who) The United Kingdom was also the most common source of the Doctor's companions, with the vast majority originating from the region. (TV: An Unearthly Child [+]Anthony Coburn, adapted from The Pilot Episode (Anthony Coburn), Doctor Who season 1 (BBC tv, 1963)., The Massacre, The War Machines, The Highlanders, The Evil of the Daleks, et al.)
The Doctor singled out England to be their favourite place, specifically during the 19th century. (PROSE: The Banquo Legacy [+]Andy Lane and Justin Richards, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2000).) After the Third Doctor was exiled to Earth, he lived in the UK and carried on defending the Earth by assisting UNIT in their various operations. (TV: Spearhead from Space)
While posing as a human, the Seventh Doctor appeared to be of British nationality, (PROSE: Human Nature [+]Paul Cornell, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1995).) and this was again the case under a similar situation where the Tenth Doctor believed he was British as he became John Smith, a teacher at Farringham School for Boys. (TV: Human Nature) In 1963, the First Doctor lived in the UK for some time, enrolling his granddaughter, Susan Foreman, in education. During this time he operated out of his TARDIS which he had stored in 76 Totter's Lane. (TV: "An Unearthly Child")
The Doctor visited the UK throughout its history, from the joining of Scotland (TV: The Highlanders) to the region's departure from Earth aboard the Starship UK. (TV: The Beast Below [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010).) The vast majority of these visits saw them defending the UK from alien threats, sometimes with the assistance of UNIT. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth [+]Terry Nation, Doctor Who season 2 (BBC1, 1964)., The Faceless Ones, The Ice Warriors, The Web of Fear, The Invasion [+]Derrick Sherwin, Doctor Who season 6 (BBC1, 1968)., Spearhead from Space, et al.)
Influence on the Master[]
The Doctor's association drew the Master to the UK (TV: Terror of the Autons) and he became trapped there following his imprisonment at Fortress Island. (TV: The Sea Devils) In another incarnation, he chose to run for Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He won through use of the Archangel Network. (TV: The Sound of Drums [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 3 (BBC One, 2007).) Like the Doctor, the Master visited the UK throughout its history. (TV: The Mark of the Rani, et al.) Missy, the incarnation of the Master contemporary to the Twelfth Doctor, spoke with a Scottish accent as he did. (TV: Death in Heaven)
Early history[]
The United Kingdom was formed in 1603, when King James VI of Scotland became James I of the United Kingdom, uniting the English and Scottish crowns. (PROSE: The Dying Days [+]Lance Parkin, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).)
The United Kingdom existed by the decade of the 1700s. (PROSE: Dismemberment)
In 1714, King George I assumed the throne of the United Kingdom, ushering in the Georgian period. The reign of George I also saw the First Jacobite Uprising. (TV: The Highlanders[additional sources needed])
In 1738, the passing of the Nemesis statue possibly influenced the War of Jenkin's Ear which involved the United Kingdom. (TV: Silver Nemesis)
There was a Second Jacobite Uprising in 1745, in which the Second Doctor's companion Jamie McCrimmon fought for the rebels. It ended in victory for the government with the Battle of Culloden. (TV: The Highlanders)
In 1752, Faction Paradox bought from London authorities eleven days, 2 September to 14 September, that never came to pass with the reform of the Gregorian Calendar, and separated them from reality to create the Eleven-Day Empire. (PROSE: Interference - Book One [+]Lawrence Miles, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 1999).)
In 1763, the passing of the Nemesis statue possibly influenced the Seven Years' War which involved the United Kingdom. (TV: Silver Nemesis)
19th century[]
In the early part of the century were the Napoleonic Wars with two Alliances at war, with the United Kingdom on one side, and France on the other. The wars ended with victory for Britain's alliance. (PROSE: World Game [+]Terrance Dicks, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2005).)
From 1811-1820 was the British Regency, a time in which the region was ruled by a prince regent as the king was unfit to do so. (AUDIO: Frostfire)
William IV was the King of the United Kingdom until his death on 20 June 1837. He was succeeded by his niece, Victoria (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Steve Tribe, BBC Books (2008).) who ruled the United Kingdom as Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India. Her reign, known as the Victorian era, saw Britain make huge territorial gains across the globe. (TV: The Curse of Peladon, Tooth and Claw [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006)., Ghost Light)
On Christmas Day, 1851, the Tenth Doctor, with the help of Jackson Lake, defeated the CyberKing. (TV: The Next Doctor)
From 1853-1856, Britain and its allies fought the Crimean War against Russia. (AUDIO: The Angel of Scutari)
In 1878, Britain had an Imperial Spacefleet of three ships. However, Kamelion soon convinced Queen Victoria to end the British Space Programme and look to domestic concerns. (PROSE: Imperial Moon [+]Christopher Bulis, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2000).)
Torchwood Institute[]
In 1879, after an attack by the Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform, Victoria banished the Tenth Doctor from her country and formed the Torchwood Institute, as the British Empire's defence against the dark forces which the Doctor seemed to consort. (TV: Tooth and Claw [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).) For a period of over a hundred years, Torchwood had many encounters with aliens. From 1885, a third Torchwood branch located in Cardiff monitored the activity of a Space-Time Rift. (PROSE: Slow Decay [+]Andy Lane, BBC Torchwood novels (BBC Books, 2007).) In 1899, Jack Harkness, a Time Agent from the 51st century and one of Torchwood Three's most famous employees, with a career lasting over one hundred years, joined the branch. (TV: Fragments)
20th century[]
In 1901, Edward VII succeeded Victoria and ruled until his death in 1910 when he was succeeded by George V. (TV: Inferno, PROSE: Revenge of the Judoon [+]Terrance Dicks, Quick Reads (Quick Reads, 2008).)
World War I[]
On 28 June 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary triggered a series of events that rapidly escalated into Earth's first global conflict, World War I, with the United Kingdom and its allies such as France and Russia, against the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Some of the battlegrounds were Passchendaele and the Somme. A million British soldiers died during the war. (TV: To the Last Man) [additional sources needed]
Britain had an agreement with Japan, who also entered the war against Germany. (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Steve Tribe, BBC Books (2008).)
The immortal Jack Harkness fought in the war, (TV: Utopia, COMIC: The Forgotten) as did Tim Latimer and Hutchinson. (TV: The Family of Blood) Tommy Brockless also served, and was eventually executed in 1918, when, suffering from shell shock, he refused to return to the front lines. (TV: To the Last Man)
Several soldiers were kidnapped by the War Lords for use in their war games. (TV: The War Games)
The Doctor visited the war many times. (TV: Planet of Giants, PROSE: Front Line, COMIC: The Amateur, The Forgotten, Warfreekz!, AUDIO: Fugitives, The Haunting of Malkin Place, Fortunes of War)
Around the end of the war, women finally gained the right to vote. (AUDIO: The Jabari Countdown)
Between the wars[]
In 1922, Ireland was divided into the Republic and the north. The north remained a province of the United Kingdom. (AUDIO: The Settling)
CIA agent Rex Matheson found a record of nine pulp fiction authors in the United Kingdom who were potentially Victor Podesta following his disappearance in 1938. (TV: The Gathering [+]John Fay, Torchwood series 4 (Starz, 2011).)
World War II[]
On 1 September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland which caused Britain, France and Russia to declare war. The Seventh Doctor ensured Hitler would fail to prevent the British evacuation of Dunkirk, thus ensuring Britain would remain in the war. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus [+]Terrance Dicks, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1991).)
In 1940 and 1941 Germany bombed Great Britain, an event known as the London Blitz. (PROSE: Illegal Alien, TV: The Empty Child [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005)./The Doctor Dances [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) The Royal Air Force carried out its own systematic bombings of Germany. (PROSE: The Turing Test [+]Paul Leonard, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2000).)
During World War II, when it appeared that the United Kingdom would be invaded by Nazi Germany, four citadels were built under the surface of London. They were intended to allow the British government to continue operations if the worst happened. After the war, the citadels were maintained due to the threat posed by the Soviet Union in the Cold War. (AUDIO: The Fifth Citadel)
During this period, Edwin Bracewell approached a desperate Winston Churchill, offering what to all appearances were robotic war machines of a futuristic design that Churchill could use first to fend off Luftwaffe air raids on London and later, in mass numbers, take the war to Germany. Churchill summoned the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond to view the new weapon. The Doctor realised immediately that the "Ironsides" that Bracewell had "created" were actually a resurfacing of the Daleks, who had used themselves as bait to get the Doctor to aid in the creation of the Progenitor Daleks. A small number of Spitfire fighters were briefly upgraded with Dalek technology to fight a Dalek saucer, but all tech was subsequently removed by the Doctor to prevent wide-scale tampering with history. The Daleks attempted to destroy Earth with a powerful explosive in their android, Edwin Bracewell, but the Doctor and Amy defused it. The new Daleks then escaped to rebuild their race. (TV: Victory of the Daleks [+]Mark Gatiss, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010).)
The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler, with the help of pre-Torchwood Jack Harkness, stopped the Empty Child Plague from infecting the world. (TV: The Empty Child [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005)./The Doctor Dances [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).)
From 1940 to 1945, the Channel Islands were occupied by German forces. (PROSE: Just War [+]Lance Parkin, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
In 1943, Fenric was working with his Haemovores at Maiden's Point. Russia and Britain, while nominally allies, were plotting against each other in preparation for post-war conflicts . (TV: The Curse of Fenric)
Mid-20th century[]
In the 1950s, hours of television broadcast in the United Kingdom were strictly limited by the British government, and each evening's broadcasts from Alexandra Palace ended between 10.30 and 11pm with the National Anthem. (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Steve Tribe, BBC Books (2008).)
In 1953, Elizabeth II was crowned Queen of the United Kingdom. She reigned well into the early 21st century. (TV: Voyage of the Damned, The Idiot's Lantern)
During the Cold War, the United States of America, China and Russia gave their nuclear destructor codes to the UK. (TV: Robot)
"The Metaltron", a Dalek survivor of the Last Great Time War, fell through time and landed on the Ascension Island sometime in the 1960s; (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Steve Tribe, BBC Books (2008). Chapter 3, "Everything Changes"; Page 148.) either in 1961 (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters [+]Justin Richards, BBC Books (2014). Chapter 2, "The Daleks"; Page 53.) or 1962. (AUDIO: The Dalek Transaction [+]Matt Fitton, Encounters (UNIT: The New Series, Big Finish Productions, 2017).) It burnt within its crater for three days. (TV: Dalek [+]Robert Shearman, adapted from Jubilee (Robert Shearman), Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005)., PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Steve Tribe, BBC Books (2008). Chapter 3, "Everything Changes"; Page 148., The Secret Lives of Monsters [+]Justin Richards, BBC Books (2014). Chapter 2, "The Daleks"; Page 53.) Insane and screaming, (TV: Dalek [+]Robert Shearman, adapted from Jubilee (Robert Shearman), Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) the Dalek was recovered by the military (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Steve Tribe, BBC Books (2008). Chapter 3, "Everything Changes"; Page 148.) before it was passed through several private collections in the 20th and 21st centuries. (TV: Dalek [+]Robert Shearman, adapted from Jubilee (Robert Shearman), Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005)., PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Steve Tribe, BBC Books (2008). Chapter 3, "Everything Changes"; Page 148.)
In late 1963, a Russian spy ring aided by a double agent from MI6, operated in London. (TV: The Cambridge Spy)
From 29 to 30 November of the same year, Shoreditch became the site of the end of the Dalek Civil War between Davros' Imperial Daleks and Renegade Daleks loyal to the Supreme Dalek. Both sides were fought by the Seventh Doctor, aided by the human Intrusion Counter-Measures Group. The Renegade forces (bar the Supreme) were destroyed by the Imperials, while they in turn were tricked and destroyed by the Hand of Omega. After leaving Earth, the Doctor then taunted the Supreme Dalek into self-destruction. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks [+]Ben Aaronovitch, Doctor Who season 25 (BBC1, 1988).)
The Conservative Party was in office during the early 1960s. Harold Macmillan served as Prime Minister until his resignation in 1963. He was succeeded by Sir Alec Douglas-Home. (AUDIO: The Pelage Project)
In 1964, the Conservative Party was defeated by the Labour Party in the UK general election and the latter's leader Harold Wilson became Prime Minister. In the immediate aftermath of the election, General Peters led a military coup against Wilson's government. However, it was defeated by the Intrusion Countermeasures Group. (AUDIO: State of Emergency)
In 1965, the British government was secretly contacted by an alien race dubbed the 456, who demanded a dozen children in exchange for an anti-virus for an influenza outbreak that would otherwise kill millions. Jack Harkness of the Torchwood Institute delivered a busload of children from an orphanage in Scotland. The children were delivered, bar one, the anti-virus was provided, and the flu outbreak was quelled. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Four)
UNIT era[]
Around the late 1960s or early 1970s, Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart played an instrumental role in the creation of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce.
With the assistance of the Second Doctor, they defeated the Cyberman invasion of London. (TV: The Invasion [+]Derrick Sherwin, Doctor Who season 6 (BBC1, 1968).)
During the 1970s, the Irish Republican Army was active in the United Kingdom, including England and Northern Ireland.
In 1971, the UK fought the Cod War with Iceland. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy [+]David Bishop, Virgin Books (1996).)
Sometime later, the newly regenerated Third Doctor returned to Earth, forced into exile by the Time Lords. He helped UNIT defeat the Nestene Consciousness and its Auton servants' attack on Earth. During the next few years, the Doctor mainly stayed on Earth as UNIT's scientific advisor. (TV: Spearhead from Space)
According to one account, the British Space Programme later sent a manned mission to Mars. However, they lost contact with the craft for seven months. (TV: The Ambassadors of Death) According to another account, the Tenth Doctor claimed that the colonists who founded Bowie Base One in July 2058 were the "very first humans on Mars". (TV: The Waters of Mars [+]Russell T Davies and Phil Ford, Doctor Who Autumn Special 2009 (BBC One, 2009).)
After this, Lethbridge-Stewart and the Third Doctor faced many threats from the Doctor's old friend, the Master. Facing a return from the Autons; (TV: Terror of the Autons) the Keller Machine disrupting the World Peace Conference almost causing World War III, (TV: The Mind of Evil); an attempted Axon invasion; (TV: The Claws of Axos) and the rise of Azal. (TV: The Dæmons)
The Second World Peace Conference was later threatened by Daleks from an alternate timeline where they ruled Earth in the 22nd century. (TV: Day of the Daleks)
In later years, Harold Wilson's position seemed untenable after the failures of the Wenley Moor nuclear research facility in October 1969 and the Inferno Project in February 1970 were publicised by James Stevens in his "Bad Science" series of articles.
Wilson called a general election for June 1970. The Labour Party lost and the Conservative leader Edward Heath became Prime Minister. Political observers speculated that the publication of the book version of "Bad Science" had coincided not-so-incidentally with the election. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy [+]David Bishop, Virgin Books (1996).)
By 1976, Labour was once again in government with Callaghan as Prime Minister. (AUDIO: The Oseidon Adventure) He served in that position until 1979, when he was succeeded by the Conservative Margaret Thatcher. (TV: Tooth and Claw [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).)
In June 1982, the United Kingdom achieved a victory in the Falklands War against Argentina. Argentine troops fled the British Task Force. (COMIC: The Infinite Astronaut)
On 9 June 1983, Labour lost the general election in a landslide to the ruling Conservative Party. (AUDIO: Rat Trap) The party was still out of office in 1987 while Thatcher remained Prime Minister. (TV: Father's Day)
In October 1987, there were three million people unemployed in the UK. (AUDIO: We Are The Daleks)
Late 20th century[]
In May 1997, Queen Elizabeth was temporarily deposed by the Ice Lord Xznaal in the Ice Warrior invasion of Earth. The invasion was later defeated by the Eighth Doctor and Elizabeth was restored to the throne. Her recoronation, the only recoronation in the history of the United Kingdom, was held on 23 November that year. Future historians would count the recoronation as the first moment of the New New Elizabethan Age, when British art and literature entered a brief, but prolific resurgence. (PROSE: The Dying Days [+]Lance Parkin, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).)
21st century[]
Early 21st century[]
In 2001, the Eighth Doctor defeated an invasion of Earth by Cybermen from the future. (COMIC: The Flood)
In 2002, as the United Kingdom headed for a general election, Sherilyn Harper's far-right New Britannia Party threatened to hold the balance of power in a volatile political climate. Several assassination attempts were made against Harper, first by unknown gunmen and then by a terrorist organisation called United Front — which also firebombed some district NBP offices in the southeast. These assassination attempts were later discovered to have been staged by the NBP itself. As the crisis deepened, riots broke out in London just before polling day. (AUDIO: The Fearmonger)
During the first half of the 2000s, the UK branch of UNIT faced the serious threat of the Internal Counter-Intelligence Service. (AUDIO: The Coup, Time Heals, The Longest Night, The Wasting)
In March 2005, the Nestene Consciousness again invaded Earth using Autons. The invasion was foiled by Rose Tyler after she knocked a vial of anti-plastic into the Consciousness. (TV: Rose) Yvonne Hartman saw Charles and Camilla as an upcoming fad. (AUDIO: One Rule, TV: The Girl in the Fireplace, The Empty Planet)
In March 2006, the Passameer-Day Slitheen killed the Prime Minister and also murdered several government officials whom they used as disguises. They crashed their own ship into the Thames (TV: Aliens of London [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) to convince the world there was an alien threat so they would be given the codes for nuclear weapons by the United Nations, which they would then use to destroy Earth and then sell its remains for starship fuel. This plot was foiled when Mickey Smith fired a Harpoon missile at 10 Downing Street, where the Slitheen awaited the nuclear codes. (TV: World War Three [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) A surviving Slitheen, posing as Mayor of Cardiff, exploited the Cardiff rift and advocated a plan for a proposed nuclear power plant called Blaidd Drwg. Secretly, she wanted to cause an "accident" at Blaidd Drwg. This disaster, located so near the rift, would destroy Earth and allow her to use the tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator to escape the planet. Blon was captured by the Ninth Doctor, and her contingency plan of using an alien power source to blow up the world was also foiled when the heart of the TARDIS opened up, regressing Blon into an egg, and the TARDIS absorbed the rift energy. (TV: Boom Town)
After the Slitheen plot of March, Harriet Jones soon became Prime Minister, but the newly regenerated Tenth Doctor plunged her career into downfall on Christmas Day after she destroyed a Sycorax ship fleeing Earth after an attempted invasion. (TV: The Christmas Invasion) In the period of government paralysis (TV: Love & Monsters) that followed, the Saxon Master became popular with the government and the people. (TV: The Sound of Drums [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 3 (BBC One, 2007).) In 2007, Torchwood One caused ghosts to appear across Earth. These were revealed to be Cybermen from a parallel universe. (TV: Army of Ghosts) The Cult of Skaro, having survived the Last Great Time War, also arrived and fought the Cybermen. Dalek Sec then released millions of Dalek prisoners from the Genesis Ark, causing a catastrophic battle across London resulting in many deaths and the near-destruction of the Torchwood Institute. (TV: Doomsday)
On Christmas Eve, the Empress of the Racnoss' Webstar briefly attacked London. After the Tenth Doctor drowned her children, Harold Saxon ordered the Webstar destroyed. (TV: The Runaway Bride)
Torchwood Three in Cardiff under Jack Harkness was forced to operate on its own in the 2000s,[nb 1] facing many threats in Cardiff throughout the next few years. (TV: Everything Changes [+]Russell T Davies, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006)., Day One [+]Chris Chibnall, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006)., Ghost Machine [+]Helen Raynor, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006)., Cyberwoman [+]Chris Chibnall, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006)., et al.)
During the fourth quarter of the 2000s, the United Kingdom, along with most of the world, suffered from an economic recession. (TV: Planet of the Dead [+]Russell T Davies and Gareth Roberts, Doctor Who Easter Special 2009 (BBC One, 2009)., The End of Time [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2009 and New Year Special 2010 (BBC One, 2009-2010)., TV: The Gathering [+]John Fay, Torchwood series 4 (Starz, 2011).)
In the 2000s,[nb 2] Harold Saxon continued his campaign for Prime Minister. He was given high support after the Royal Hope Hospital's disappearance and reappearance. (TV: Smith and Jones) A few days later, he was elected Prime Minister. He presented the Toclafane to the public, saying they were peaceful aliens offering friendship with Earth. However this turned out to be an invasion and the Toclafane ruled over Earth for a year. This year was then negated by Martha Jones and Jack Harkness. (TV: The Sound of Drums [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 3 (BBC One, 2007)./Last of the Time Lords)
In the 2000s,[nb 3] Sarah Jane Smith formed a group of friends including her adopted son. Based in 13 Bannerman Road, they fought many alien threats for the next few years in Ealing. (TV: Invasion of the Bane, Revenge of the Slitheen, Warriors of Kudlak, Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?, et al.)
In the 2000s,[nb 4] Miss Foster, exploiting the serious weight problems in the United Kingdom, created Adipose Industries, using the Adipose pill so it would kill humans and replace them with Adipose. However, due to the intervention of the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble, only one human was killed and merely 10,000 Adipose were born in the March of the Adipose. (TV: Partners in Crime)
The UK branch of UNIT fought the Sontarans' invasion when ATMOS caused gases to poison the world. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky)
Following the relocation of Earth to the Medusa Cascade by the Daleks, Torchwood Three in Cardiff and Mr Smith in Ealing allied together to use the Earth's phones and the Rift to bring the Tenth Doctor into the temporal pocket in the Medusa Cascade. (TV: The Stolen Earth [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008).) They later helped use the Rift to allow the TARDIS to pilot the Earth home. (TV: Journey's End [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008).)
On Christmas Day,[nb 5] the Saxon Master was captured by soldiers working for Joshua Naismith so that the Master could help him use the Immortality Gate. He was taken to Naismith's residence in southern England. There, he used the Immortality Gate to duplicate his appearance and personality into every person in the world. This was reverted when the White-Point Star was destroyed. (TV: The End of Time [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2009 and New Year Special 2010 (BBC One, 2009-2010).)
By 2010, the Torchwood Institute ceased to function, though a revival group operated in Swansea and Cowbridge for a time in 2011. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Five, The Categories of Life, The Middle Men, The Gathering [+]John Fay, Torchwood series 4 (Starz, 2011).)
In March 2017, the United Kingdom triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty of the European Union. (PROSE: Time Lapse) This resulted in Brexit, the United Kingdom's official withdrawal from the European Union. (PROSE: Lucy Wilson and the Bledoe Cadets [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
In early 2020, Gloucester was briefly placed under lockdown working on behalf of Gallifreyans pursuing the Fugitive Doctor. (TV: Fugitive of the Judoon [+]Vinay Patel and Chris Chibnall, Doctor Who series 12 (BBC One, 2020).)
In January 2021, Prime Minster Jo Patterson was killed by the Daleks shortly before the beginning of the 2021 Dalek civil war. (TV: Revolution of the Daleks) On 31 October, the Sontarans launched an invasion of Earth centering on Liverpool, (TV: The Halloween Apocalypse) waging a Temporal Offensive back through history as the Flux threatened the universe. Though this invasion was erased, (TV: War of the Sontarans) the Sontarans returned to briefly occupy Earth on 5 December as a means for their Flux Offensive before leaving. (TV: The Vanquishers) 31 December saw the Thirteenth Doctor handle a small-scale Dalek incursion targeted at her in Manchester. (TV: Eve of the Daleks)
At one point, Lucifer returned to Earth, arriving in a location he called "Kingdom United"; he recorded a video on a street about his hunt for his friend Lilith. (WC: Mission: Find Lilith [+]Trevor Spencer, Hellscape (BBV Productions, TikTok and YouTube, 2023).)
On 24 May 2027, it was reported that the government was conducting further Mars research. By this time, the King was the head of state. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family) The Tenth Doctor was aware that Elizabeth II was eventually followed by Charles III and Camilla, who were themselves followed by King William V. (PROSE: Revenge of the Judoon [+]Terrance Dicks, Quick Reads (Quick Reads, 2008)., Winner Takes All [+]Jacqueline Rayner, BBC New Series Adventures (BBC Books, 2005).)
Late 21st century[]
Sometime before 2050, Lomax, a Korven from the future, hijacked the British government. MI5 and MI6 were turned into the brutal, totalitarian government agency known as the Department. Lomax needed an ally on Earth and recruited Thorne, who was implanted with Meron DNA as the Korven aided them in their war against the Jixen. (TV: The Eclipse of the Korven)
In 2048, Inspector June Turner approved the decision to replace all human law enforcement officers with Cyborgs, resulting in the CCPC. (TV: The Last Precinct)
In 2050, a King was head of state. (TV: Oroborus) K9 Mark I arrived in Gryffen Manor battling four Jixen. He later self-destructed and regenerated into a brand new model. He later made several friends, saving the Earth many times. (TV: Regeneration)
When one of the last surviving Aeolians arrived on Earth, she tried to call out to her mate. This caused severe storms across Britain and threatened the whole world. She was found by the Department which attacked her but Starkey was able to play to her mate, who arrived. The Aeolian couple departed. (TV: Aeolian)
Britain was involved in the Bowie Base One colony on Mars, the first off-world human colony. It was captained by Adelaide Brooke. Margaret Cain was also British. The Tenth Doctor claimed that the founding of the base in July 2058 was made up of the "very first humans on Mars", although according to an obituary of Adelaide, a three-person team including Adelaide landed on Mars when Adelaide was 42, in the year 2041.
Adelaide inspired her granddaughter, Susie Fontana Brooke, to captain the first human visit to an extrasolar location, Proxima Centauri, (TV: The Waters of Mars [+]Russell T Davies and Phil Ford, Doctor Who Autumn Special 2009 (BBC One, 2009).) leading to humanity's Break-out into space at the end of the 21st century. (PROSE: Prelude Deceit)
22nd century[]
In 2157, Earth was beset by meteorites that carried a plague. This plague was carried across the globe and, when the Earth was sufficiently weak, the Daleks invaded and conquered the planet. While most countries had their populations destroyed, the people of the UK were largely enslaved.
The epicentre of this invasion was Bedfordshire, a county in England. There, the Daleks planned to drill through the ground to the Earth's core. The First Doctor and his companions thwarted the Dalek plan and helped the inhabitants of Bedfordshire stage a revolution against their conquerors. Soon enough, the humans were once again in control. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth [+]Terry Nation, Doctor Who season 2 (BBC1, 1964).)
23rd century[]
London was flooded when sea levels rose due to global warming. (GAME: TARDIS) The city was visited in this state by Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond, who repelled an incursion of Vashta Nerada. (GAME: Shadows of the Vashta Nerada)
In 2268, democracy ended in the United Kingdom. (AUDIO: Antidote to Oblivion [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
24th century[]
In 2382, the Sixth Doctor and Flip Jackson visited London. (AUDIO: Antidote to Oblivion [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
According to Captain Maitland, London ceased to exist by the 24th century. (TV: ""Strangers in Space" [+]Part of The Sensorites, Peter R. Newman, Doctor Who season 1 (BBC1, 1964).")
25th century[]
In 2415, London absorbed Nutchurch. (PROSE: The English Way of Death [+]Gareth Roberts, Virgin Missing Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
26th century[]
In 2595, Bernice Summerfield visited London. (PROSE: The Sword of Forever [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1998).)
28th century[]
By the 28th century, London, and the whole lower half of England was incorporated in a very large city called Central City. (TV: ""Strangers in Space" [+]Part of The Sensorites, Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.")
In 2789, the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory visited London. (PROSE: Lua error in Module:Cite_source at line 420: attempt to index a nil value.)
29th century[]
By the 29th century, the United Kingdom — with the exception of Scotland, who wanted their own ship — abandoned Earth for a spaceship, Starship UK. (TV: The Beast Below [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010).)
38th century[]
In December 3738, the Tenth Doctor and Martha fought the Klytode in London. (COMIC: A Klytode Christmas)
40th century[]
In the year 4000, London, still known as Central City, served as the apparent capital of Earth. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)
41st century[]
In January 4039, the Tenth Doctor fought the Graxnix in London. (COMIC: Hotel Historia)
Alternative timelines[]
In the Game of Napoleon and Wellington, the United Kingdom was among the nations which were conquered by France and thus incorporated into Napoléon Bonaparte's World Empire. When the Empire collapsed upon Napoleon's death, the conquered countries split up into separate mini-states, discreetly encouraged by the Players. "Revert[ing] to type", the United Kingdom split into the three separate kingdoms of England, Scotland and Wales, any two of them usually at war with the third. (PROSE: World Game [+]Terrance Dicks, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2005).)
In an alternative timeline in which Adolf Hitler did not lose the power of the Timewyrm, Nazi Germany had conquered the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe by 1941. After visiting the occupied London in May 1951 in this timeline, the Seventh Doctor and Ace prevented this from coming to pass. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus [+]Terrance Dicks, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1991).)
In another alternative timeline created by the Elder Gods in the hope of destroying Earth, World War III broke out on 9 November 1989 between the United States and its allies, including the United Kingdom, on the one hand, and the Soviet Union on the other hand. Given that nuclear weapons were used by both sides, hundreds of millions of people were killed in the conflict. This timeline was ultimately negated by the Seventh Doctor. (AUDIO: Protect and Survive)
Behind the scenes[]
Often in the series, the term Great Britain (which is the island upon which England, Scotland and Wales are situated) will be used to refer to the United Kingdom as a whole, ignoring Northern Ireland. This is a common practice in real life.
Only twice in the BBC Wales era has the full name of the UK been mentioned, this being The Beast Below [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010). — which implies Northern Ireland will still be part of the UK in the 29th century — and the more contemporary Children of Earth: Day Three [+]Russell T Davies and James Moran, Torchwood series 3 (BBC One, 2009)..
Doctor Who and the UK[]
Doctor Who is critically linked to the UK as its homeland. For this reason, the show has often orientated itself around the history and interests of the region.
As a result of this connection, Doctor Who was occasionally embroiled in the region's politics. This was apparent during Sylvester McCoy's tenure where it was often suggested that the show aimed to overthrow Margaret Thatcher's government. McCoy himself once said:
The idea of bringing politics into Doctor Who was deliberate, but we had to do it very quietly and certainly didn't shout about it.
In the same tabloid, both Andrew Cartmel and Sophie Aldred also claimed this was the case. The BBC, however, denied the allegations, firmly stating they had always been impartial from a political view.[1]
Ratings in the UK have varied over Doctor Who's history. The Hartnell era drew consistently high viewing figures, primarily because of the "Dalekmania" period, but not restricted to stories featuring them. Patrick Troughton's final season had notably low ratings but the show was saved thanks to the popularity of the show in colour. Tom Baker saw the ratings go from strength to strength, peaking at sixteen million during the ITV strike.[2]
The Davison era saw above average ratings, but the show had one of the smallest budgets. Following this, particularly after the postponement of season 23, Doctor Who ratings in the UK fell dramatically. The McCoy era saw it fall to three million.[3] Upon its return in 2005, Doctor Who held up viewing figures, securing itself a future on television.
Story settings[]
Many stories have been set in the United Kingdom, starting with the Shoreditch, London setting of An Unearthly Child [+]Anthony Coburn, adapted from The Pilot Episode (Anthony Coburn), Doctor Who season 1 (BBC tv, 1963). (identified as Shoreditch in Remembrance of the Daleks [+]Ben Aaronovitch, Doctor Who season 25 (BBC1, 1988).). Setting aside the many unspecified locations, almost every region of the country has been used as a setting. However, no television story has ever been set in Northern Ireland.
BBC Classic Doctor Who website[]
An article on the BBC Classic Doctor Who website, "Party Politics", notes that the Prime Minister of the UK in The Green Death (airdate 1973) is called "Jeremy". It claims that due to the various alien invasions of the late 1960s, the 1970 general election produced a hung parliament. It says that in the early 1970s, a coalition government is led by Jeremy Thorpe. However, after the events involving Global Chemicals, the government's involvement in the "Axonite scandal" and the "Operation Golden Age fiasco", this government collapsed in 1973 and was succeeded by the Labour government under Shirley Williams. [4]
Missions to Mars[]
The British space programme's Mars Probe manned missions are ignored by the Doctor Who television story The Waters of Mars [+]Russell T Davies and Phil Ford, Doctor Who Autumn Special 2009 (BBC One, 2009)., which referred to the human colony founded in 2058 as being made up of the "very first humans on Mars". Further complicating matters, an on-screen obituary in The Waters of Mars mentions that the captain of the Bowie Base One colony, Adelaide Brooke, along with two other unidentified astronauts, had already landed on Mars when Adelaide was 42 in the year 2041.
- ↑
- ↑ City of Death (TV story)#Ratings
- ↑ Battlefield (TV story)#Ratings
- ↑ Party politics. BBC - Doctor Who Classic Episode Guide. Retrieved on 23 July 2013.
- ↑ The first and second series of Torchwood are set anywhere from 2006-2010 as a result of conflicting evidence shown in the episodes Ghost Machine [+]Helen Raynor, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006)., Greeks Bearing Gifts, Random Shoes, To the Last Man, Reset, Adrift, Fragments, Exit Wounds, and The New World, as well as Meat placing series 2 a year after the start of series 1.
- ↑ According to the episode The Sound of Drums [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 3 (BBC One, 2007)., Martha Jones' present day during series 3 of Doctor Who takes place over a six-day period, with the Saxon Master being elected three days after Smith and Jones, and the Toclafane invading Earth five days after Smith and Jones. However, sources differ on which dates these stories are set. According to PROSE: The Paradox Moon, the Toclafane invasion happens on 23 June 2007, placing the events of Smith and Jones on 18 June. According to AUDIO: Hysteria, Smith and Jones takes place in 2008, with a UNIT mission log in AUDIO: Recruits referring to the recovery of moon rocks from Royal Hope Hospital in March 2008. A newspaper clipping in PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters places Smith and Jones on a Sunday 4 June, thus placing the Toclafane invasion on Friday 9 June. In the real world, these dates do not fall on a Sunday and Friday in either 2007 or 2008.
- ↑ No on screen date is given for the first two series of The Sarah Jane Adventures, outside of The Day of the Clown from the second series being set shortly after 9 October in an undisclosed year. While Donna Noble's present from the fourth series of Doctor Who is set around the same time as the first series of The Sarah Jane Adventures, and The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith from the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures is explicitly described as being set a year after Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? from the first series, Doctor Who's fourth series is not consistently dated, with TV: The Fires of Pompeii [+]James Moran, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008)., TV: The Waters of Mars [+]Russell T Davies and Phil Ford, Doctor Who Autumn Special 2009 (BBC One, 2009)., and AUDIO: SOS [+]Juno Dawson, Redacted (BBC Sounds, 2022). setting the present of the 13 regular episodes in 2008 (heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Doctor Who and the Star Beast (Pat Mills and John Wagner), Doctor Who 2023 specials (BBC One, 2023). and TV:The Giggle [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who 2023 specials, Episode 3 (BBC One, 2023). as well), and PROSE: Beautiful Chaos [+]Gary Russell, BBC New Series Adventures (BBC Books, 2008). setting them in about April to June 2009.
- ↑ The present day of Doctor Who's fourth series is not consistently dated, with TV: The Fires of Pompeii [+]James Moran, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008)., TV: The Waters of Mars [+]Russell T Davies and Phil Ford, Doctor Who Autumn Special 2009 (BBC One, 2009)., and AUDIO: SOS [+]Juno Dawson, Redacted (BBC Sounds, 2022). setting the present of the 13 regular episodes in 2008 (heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Doctor Who and the Star Beast (Pat Mills and John Wagner), Doctor Who 2023 specials (BBC One, 2023). and TV:The Giggle [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who 2023 specials, Episode 3 (BBC One, 2023). as well), and PROSE: Beautiful Chaos [+]Gary Russell, BBC New Series Adventures (BBC Books, 2008). setting them in about April to June 2009.
- ↑ Both Planet of the Dead [+]Russell T Davies and Gareth Roberts, Doctor Who Easter Special 2009 (BBC One, 2009). and The End of Time [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2009 and New Year Special 2010 (BBC One, 2009-2010). are referred to in dialogue as taking place after the end of Journey's End [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008)., which is set in either 2008, according to TV: The Fires of Pompeii [+]James Moran, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008)., TV: The Waters of Mars [+]Russell T Davies and Phil Ford, Doctor Who Autumn Special 2009 (BBC One, 2009)., and AUDIO: SOS [+]Juno Dawson, Redacted (BBC Sounds, 2022). (and heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Doctor Who and the Star Beast (Pat Mills and John Wagner), Doctor Who 2023 specials (BBC One, 2023). and TV:The Giggle [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who 2023 specials, Episode 3 (BBC One, 2023).), or six weeks after the middle of May 2009, circa June, according to PROSE: Beautiful Chaos [+]Gary Russell, BBC New Series Adventures (BBC Books, 2008).. However, the year of The End of Time is unspecified, as is whether or not it is intended to be the Christmas immediately after Journey's End.