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The UNIT Nautical Research Facility was a UNIT research facility located off the coast of Great Britain. It was also used to train dolphins.

In 1974, the Remoraxian Prime landed in the facility and used it as a base for its plans to flood the Earth. When Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart visited the facility, a Remoraxian took over his mind. Once the Third Doctor, Liz Shaw, and Sarah Jane Smith cured Lethbridge-Stewart, they went to the base to stop the Remoraxians. The Doctor and Sarah used the Whomobile and Liz and Alistair went in a boat with a CIA agent.

Upon arriving, they were attacked by soldiers being controlled by Remoraxians and the Doctor used his de-remorator to cure them. When the Doctor and Alistair first faced the Remoraxian Prime, they were dropped out of the facility with weights attached to their feet. Liz and Sarah saved them from drowning and they went back to the facility. The Doctor and Alistair faced the Remoraxian Prime a second time and told it that Richard Nixon planned to destroy Britain with a nuclear bomb. Not wanting to die, the Remoraxians left Earth. With the day saved, Adam Mitchell came to the base with his vortex manipulator and kidnapped the Doctor's companions. (COMIC: In With the Tide)
