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You may be looking for the UNIT HQ in England.

The branch of UNIT that operated in North America had its headquarters located in Manhattan, New York City. It served as the main base for the organisation in the late 2000s.


After Operation Mannequin (PROSE: Operation Mannequin) and the death of Major C Jones and her colleagues during the Jersey Tollgate Situation, Major A Highway took Jones' former role in the pan-territorial UNIT operations at the UNIT New York Liaison Office, and promised that he would reorganise UNIT's pan-territorial activities, (PROSE: UNIT's New York Operation Expansion) such as UNIT ONE and UNIT THREE, (PROSE: The Dying Days) into a "pivotal single site operation", in part necessitated due to rise "threats to national security". Major Highway found this thrilling, and the news was documented in a press briefing filed by Staff Sergeant A. Frederick, released on 31 March 2005. (PROSE: UNIT's New York Operation Expansion)

By the end of the 2000s,[nb 1] UNIT indeed had centralised its activities to a major UNIT site, located in a skyscraper. Experiments like Project Indigo were carried out there. At the time the base was overseen by Lieutenant-General Sanchez.

Following Earth's removal from normal space, it was a prime target for the Daleks during the War in the Medusa Cascade. Many of the base's personnel were exterminated in this attack, including Sanchez himself. (TV: The Stolen Earth) The New York offices were targeted by the Daleks because of the presence of Martha Jones, who was recognised as one of the Children of Time. (PROSE: UNIT History)

Later, sometime in the mid-2010s, the Tenth Doctor sent a message on his sonic screwdriver to UNIT HQ instructing them to do a clean up of any suspicious items being sold at the Ebonite Rooms in the Rockefeller Center. (COMIC: The Fountains of Forever)

Technology and facilities[]

The facility had a war room and an international co-ordination centre housed in the war room. It also had ample scientific facilities to house Project Indigo and other scientific facilities and support staff for projects such as the Osterhagen Project. (TV: The Stolen Earth)

Known personnel[]

Personnel included Major A Highway, (PROSE: UNIT's New York Operation Expansion) Lt General Sanchez, medical director for Project Indigo Martha Jones, Suzanne, Jalandra, DaCosta, (TV: The Stolen Earth) and Wikowsky. (PROSE: The Time Travellers' Almanac)

Behind the scenes[]

  • The entry for Sanchez, General in Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia refers to the UNIT base as the "New York headquarters". The entry for UNIT capitalises the name, calling it the "New York Headquarters". The same entry also refers to the base as "UNIT's New York HQ".
  • The scenes of UNIT North America seen in TV: The Stolen Earth were filmed at South Wales Traffic Management Centre, Coryton, Cardiff.
  • The U.N.I.T. tie-in website homepage lists New York as one of the locations of UNIT, along with Geneva, Hong Kong, and Essex.



  1. The present day of Doctor Who's fourth series is not consistently dated, with TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS setting the present of the 13 regular episodes in 2008, and PROSE: Beautiful Chaos setting them in about April to June 2009.