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Tyler Steele was an associate and eventual member of Torchwood.

A disgraced journalist, Tyler went to Cardiff to cover the rise in hate crimes in the city and learnt of Torchwood, although Jack refused to let him join after allowing people to die. He did PR for Ro-Jedda for a time and was left broke and homeless after her death, eventually being invited by Yvonne to live in the Hub and became an effective member of the team.


Early life[]

Tyler lived in London. (AUDIO: Changes Everything) When Bethan Foster brought up the topic of his mother, he quickly changed the subject. (AUDIO: A Mother's Son) He liked to eat sugar cubes as a child, especially brown ones. (AUDIO: Changes Everything)

As a journalist[]

Tyler worked as a journalist (AUDIO: Changes Everything) and was friends with Petra Malik. (AUDIO: Moderation) He did hot yoga and CrossFit to keep in shape (AUDIO: Changes Everything) and was promiscuous, often using an app for hookups with other men. (AUDIO: Changes Everything, etc.) He used drugs recreationally, (AUDIO: Night Watch) including MDMA. (AUDIO: Moderation)

Tyler entered into an open relationship with Damian. The two had rules about what they could and could not do, but Tyler, scared by how much he loved Damian, broke them to sabotage the relationship. They broke up as a result. (AUDIO: Orr) After hacking various celebrities, including Katie Price, and posting their photos online, Tyler was sent to prison, causing him to be disgraced as a journalist.

Looking to reboot his career, Tyler decided to focus on serious journalism and went to Cardiff to write a piece on the Red Doors Programme for an online magazine. His investigations brought himself to the attention of both Torchwood, who considered him a potential asset, and 3Sol, who found him to be a problem. (AUDIO: Changes Everything)

The Sorvix occupation[]

Meeting Torchwood[]

Tyler was saved from a 3Sol assassination attempt at the Refugee Crisis Centre by Ng, who was in control of Gwen Cooper's body, and taken to the Hub where he met St John Colchester and learnt of aliens and the Rift, which overwhelmed him. He hooked up with Jack Harkness and identified Vorsun as his would-be killer through her IP address, confronting her and telling her to "fire away" when she took hostages. Jack, who was also at 3Sol, decided that Tyler did not have a place in Torchwood because of this, but encouraged him to continue his investigations into Red Doors, leading him to meet with the Mayor (AUDIO: Changes Everything) and get a job doing PR. (AUDIO: Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy)

Tyler employed the services of a personal trainer whom he was attracted to and deflected coverage of the Mayor's closure of branch libraries by covering the new city library initiative for The Echo. (AUDIO: Orr)

Tyler Steele

Tyler in Cardiff. (AUDIO: Orr)

On the Mayor's orders, Tyler met with Ng at a bar and asked Torchwood to keep an eye on Madrigal's hen night and make sure that it did not get out of hand. She and Mr Colchester were already doing so, however, and Tyler was dismissed. Later, he hooked up with Jack again and they were having sex when Mr Colchester called him to ask that he send a police helicopter to the hospital to save him and Ng from a Sorvix, threatening to go to the news about the supposed armed terrorists if he did not do so. Tyler complied. (AUDIO: Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy)

The Mayor informed Tyler that the Sorvix wanted Vincent Parry and sent him to have Torchwood look into it, so Tyler wandered around Roald Dahl Plass until Jack came out and went with him to the Parry Estate where an assassin killed Vincent. Tyler was knocked out by Orr and went after them with Jack, stopping them at Cardiff Airport and taking them to the Hub where he was disturbed by their transformation into Damian. This led him to visit Hatch to ask for something that would keep them out of his mind. (AUDIO: Orr)

Tyler was sent by the Mayor to ask Torchwood to look into the deaths of several Sorvix at the Cardiff Bay Intelligent Hotel and Spa, which Tyler likened to "Trump Tower shagging a cruise liner". After Torchwood found that the hotel itself was responsible and stopped it, the Mayor asked Tyler to announce a press conference so that he could reveal the existence of the Sorvix to the public. Ro-Jedda, however, stopped him from doing so and killed the Mayor before having him put out a statement about the Mayor's death, saying that she would serve in his place in the interim. Because of his connection to Torchwood, she decided to keep Tyler around. (AUDIO: Superiority Complex)

Cutting ties[]

Tyler, making himself indispensable to Ro-Jedda to ensure his continued career and survival, learnt of Jack's rape and murder by Duncan B. and visited him at the mortuary where the two had sex on the slab, with Jack unknowingly infecting him with a parasite. Afterwards, he found Ro-Jedda in his flat and was ordered to ensure that Torchwood took down Red Doors due to their opposition to her as mayor, but he ended his relationship with Jack and his association with Torchwood after putting Jack in Ro-Jedda's debt by getting her to dispense curative worms to the infected. (AUDIO: Love Rat)

Despite cutting his ties with Torchwood, Tyler caught Mr Colchester on his way to the Hub and told him that the residents of Ritz Tower were being killed, knowing that Colin Colchester-Price lived there. He agreed to look into Bilis Manger at Mr Colchester's request. (AUDIO: A Kill to a View)

Tyler Zero Hour

Tyler outside Ritz Tower. (AUDIO: Zero Hour)

Tyler got in contact with Ng when he realised the extent that Deliverables dictated its employees' lives, namely Hasan's, and learnt from her and Orr that the employees' movements were being used as a Rift Manipulator. Tyler joined the organisation and found that his colleagues were being burnt to death before they gained basic workers' rights, leading him to confront Ro-Jedda after Ng shut the operation down. However, Ro-Jedda threatened him into writing a cover-up, blaming the foreign labourers and somehow spinning the rise of unemployment in a positive way. (AUDIO: Zero Hour)

Sent by Ro-Jedda to South Wales Police, Tyler advised Nicki Owen in an unofficial capacity that the public should be aware that Andy Davidson was responsible for the killing of a refugee, manipulating her into releasing footage of the shooting to benefit 3Sol. He was present when Ng and Owen pushed their way into Ro-Jedda's office to stop her plans, but Jack instead made a compromise which allowed 3Sol to take over policing whilst exonerating Andy. (AUDIO: The Empty Hand)

Betraying Ro-Jedda[]

Following the murder of Michael Hughes, Tyler called Ng to tell her about the Meme's card that was found at the scene. They met at a café where he told her more about the victim. (AUDIO: Tagged)

Ro-Jedda engineered a brief meeting between Tyler and Yvonne Hartman. He tried to call Jack to inform him of the two women's association, but Ro-Jedda sent an assassin after him and he ran to the Hub where Mr Colchester was shot as he got him to safety. Tyler helped reset the Rift and, after Ng was split from Gwen, went with Orr to take Mr Colchester to the hospital, but Orr stopped the car to ask people why they were worshipping God. (AUDIO: Herald of the Dawn)

Mr Colchester died on the way to the hospital. Tyler was the one to call Colin and tell him that his husband was dead, an experience that he found upsetting. (AUDIO: Future Pain)

God in Cardiff[]

Without a home[]

Following Ro-Jedda's imprisonment in the Hub and the destruction of City Hall, Tyler was left unemployed and technically homeless, having lost his flat. He got a job at a PPI call centre which he did not enjoy. He attended Mr Colchester's funeral and told a fellow mourner that he would give anything to bring him back. The plasmic psychovore attempted to feed on his future pain but he and Colin were able to block it from feeding on them. Due to his financial situation, he took a large number of pork pies from the buffet. (AUDIO: Future Pain)

Orr and Tyler

Tyler with Orr. (AUDIO: Night Watch)

To cover up the presence and departure of the Sorvix, Tyler met with Brent Hayden in a a café and fed him information on the extraterrestrial for Tomorrow's Truth, including telling him that the Sorvix were chaos actors. After Brent spoke about Mr Colchester in one of his videos, Tyler, using a remote access bot, uploaded child pornography onto his computer and informed the police. (The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood)

Tyler was taking part in a drug-fuelled orgy when a predator shrouded the city in darkness. After the darkness faded away, Tyler was, unbeknownst to himself, left in a waking nightmare thanks to the Night Sun and the light in which he spoke to Chip and a separate version of himself. He was disgusted by watching himself take part in an orgy and upset at being criticised. After Orr absorbed the light, the real Chip offered him cocaine and sex, but he declined, saying that he had better places to be. (AUDIO: Night Watch)

Helping Torchwood[]

Resorting to begging on the streets with Kirsty, Tyler became aware of Oblation after being tagged and injected with experimental drugs by the Street Guardians. He met God, who told him that he had saved a life by putting in a good word at the right moment. He attempted to tell Andy, Ng and Mr Colchester - whom he was surprised to find alive and suspected was the life he saved - but to no avail, resulting in him tagging the latter two with a phone that he paid for by prostituting himself to get their attention. He tracked down Ben, who was killed by a Guardian after Tyler tagged him.

Tyler Hostile Environment

Tyler whilst homeless. (AUDIO: Hostile Environment)

Convinced by Jack, Yvonne allowed Tyler to live in a repurposed cell in the Hub and he promised that he would use his skills to assist Torchwood. Kirsty stood on Roald Dahl Plass shouting for him, but he told Yvonne that he did not want to see her. (AUDIO: Hostile Environment)

Tyler found himself in Norton's body and followed him after he left the Hub. The two had sex in a changing room and later found himself upset by Norton's sexual antics in his body, as it reminded him of how he once was. He confessed this to Norton and comforted him after Jay rejected his proposal. When the body swap was undone, Tyler and Norton agreed to be friends. (AUDIO: Another Man's Shoes)

With the threat of the Sorvix power plant, Tyler remained in the Hub with Yvonne and protested when she ignored Ng's warning that Norton worked for the Committee. He managed to convince her to inform the authorities and initiate an evacuation when the tsunami approached Cardiff and was in the Hub with her when it hit. (AUDIO: Eye of the Storm) He barely got out alive. (AUDIO: A Mother's Son)

After the tsunami[]

Two months after the tsunami, Tyler was helping out at a camp at Ritz Tower with Colin. He met and helped Bethan Foster, who told him about Orr. He called Jack to tell him that they had resurfaced. (AUDIO: A Mother's Son) Orr was surprised at how much Tyler had changed and told him that his soul was now "irresistible". They also confirmed that he had indeed saved a life. (AUDIO: ScrapeJane)

Tyler Day Zero

Tyler on Day Zero. (AUDIO: Day Zero)

Tyler and Colin were making plans for the camp when they realised that the city had lost water. He tried to get help from the DRC and Crisis React, later calling Colin to tell him that the DRC was ignoring him and Crisis React could not help due to a quarantine order. He finally told Mr Colchester that he had saved his life, saying that he was his "glorious saviour", when he bumped into the old man in the tower. (AUDIO: Day Zero)

Posing as a Deliverables man delivering a pizza, Tyler got access to Yvonne and deactivated her ankle bracelet, escaping with her to the Hub. Using the invisible lift to flee an angry mob, they found that the Committee had installed a new Rift Manipulator and were opening a dimension bridge between Earth and Erebus. As the world seemed to end, Tyler asked Jack to hold him and, once the situation was resolved, he joined Jack, Mr Colchester, Ng and Orr in going on the run. (AUDIO: Thoughts and Prayers)

On the run[]

Split and reunion[]

Tyler and Mr Colchester Moderation

Tyler and Mr Colchester in London. (AUDIO: Moderation)

Although Tyler, Jack, Mr Colchester, Ng and Orr went on the run together, (AUDIO: Thoughts and Prayers) they went their separate ways and Jack disappeared. (AUDIO: Aliens Next Door) Tyler watched Yvonne's signals at her secret trial and recognised that she wanted him to instigate Emergency Plan 22 to get her free. (AUDIO: At Her Majesty's Pleasure)

After Ng and Orr became aware of Friend (AUDIO: Aliens Next Door) and started to put Torchwood back together, (AUDIO: Misty Eyes) Tyler got a job as a moderator at a newspaper thanks to Petra Malik and was tasked with saving her from being killed by the algorithm. He learnt that Phlobos had been covering up that it was building genetic profiles and was almost killed by Barry Bean on Friend's orders, but he was saved by Mr Colchester, who was following him using a tracker. Tyler managed to make the newspaper's website unusable and take down Barry with the contents of his mobile phone, saving Petra. (AUDIO: Moderation)

Yvonne's return[]

To get Yvonne out of HMP Whitcastle, (AUDIO: At Her Majesty’s Pleasure) which he did without Ng's knowledge, (AUDIO: Pariahs) Tyler got Andy to investigate her possible escape and exposed him to numbers through PrisonPay which, thanks to Block Transfer Computation, conditioned him into letting Yvonne go. Tyler picked up Yvonne and Andy in an ambulance after the escape, disguised as a paramedic, and dropped off Andy so that he could return to London. (AUDIO: At Her Majesty's Pleasure)

Tyler and Mr Colchester Pariahs

Tyler and Mr Colchester, armed. (AUDIO: Pariahs)

Tyler worked for a temping agency run by Yvonne and helped Ng prepare for an inquiry into Phlobos profiting off of the COVID-19 pandemic whilst Mr Colchester and Orr escorted Graham Graves and Kyle Lansman. After an assassination attempt on Graves, Tyler disguised himself as a Brummie police officer and got him and Mr Colchester the rest of the way to the inquiry. Ultimately, the two witnesses and everybody at the inquiry were killed and Tyler, Ng, Mr Colchester and Orr were held at gunpoint by the police whilst Yvonne disappeared. (AUDIO: Pariahs)

Torchwood shared a psychic experience in which Friend told them how it grew powerful and used DNA gathered by Phlobos to create the weapon that wiped out Voloshnik and killed the people at the inquiry. Afterwards, Yvonne saved Tyler, Ng, Orr and Mr Colchester in a tank and they took a minibus to the Cardiff Hub in Cardiff Bay, which became their base as they waited for the Hub to be safe following a flood of Rift scar energy (AUDIO: How I Conquered the World) caused by Bilis Manger. (AUDIO: Cuckoo)

Fighting Friend[]

Following the deaths of several influencers, Ng assigned Tyler to investigate Chris on account of him being attractive. He entered into a sexual relationship with Chris which was strained by Chris's addiction to using People Fluid and needing to monetise their sexual occasions on After Dark, but Tyler fell in love with him and liked who Chris became after he made him stop using his phone. When he refused to get him to start using the app again, Ng sent Chris a new phone which he started using, ultimately leading to his death. Tyler, having angrily told him to use the app to see if it made him happy, felt responsible. (AUDIO: Doomscroll)

Tyler Doomscroll

Tyler with a torch. (AUDIO: Doomscroll)

Tyler was depressed after Chris's death and lived in squalor in a Torchwood safe house until Yvonne convinced him to help her investigate Friend's Deadcoin auction with the promise of a new identity, relocation and a pension. He and Orr, whom Yvonne had tasked with making Tyler feel like a hero so that he would not leave Torchwood, got Yvonne access to Anya Belasco's office and had sex after Orr felt the darkness within Tyler and the rest of the team. Ultimately, he decided that he would not be leaving Torchwood. (AUDIO: Heistland)

To stop Friend from sending out a pulse which would activate its bioweapons, Tyler and Orr persuaded a crowd of people to tear down mobile masts by claiming that they were activating microchips placed inside people by vaccines and that they were a threat to children. He and Mr Colchester helped convince Janet to let Torchwood on Janet's Late Teatime and later used explosives to destroy the transatlantic pipeline for the Internet, thwarting Friend's plans. Afterwards, Gwen erased all information on Torchwood with a magenta scrubber. (AUDIO: The Apocalypse Starts at 6PM)

Further adventures[]

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Further info from The Witching Tree needs to be added

In 2023, Tyler sent Rani Chandra a tip-off about the tree at the Witching Tree restaurant. Realising from detections of aliens whilst calling her that Rani had been set up, Tyler called in Clyde Langer and rushed to the restaurant where he helped her and Clyde halt an alien invasion brought about by the tree and Phoenix Laight. (AUDIO: The Witching Tree)

Later life[]

The plasmic psychovore told Tyler that he would never show mercy. (AUDIO: Future Pain)


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Please help by adding some more information.

Tyler was a genius for finding information and was highly skilled with computers. However, he never put these to good use before going to Cardiff. (AUDIO: Changes Everything) Due to his good looks, he was not often rejected, resulting in him not being able to handle it when people did so. (AUDIO: Zero Hour)


Tyler The Apocalypse Starts at 6PM

Tyler. (AUDIO: The Apocalypse Starts at 6PM)

Tyler kept in shape by doing hot yoga and CrossFit (AUDIO: Changes Everything) and usually wore a suit. (AUDIO: Hostile Environment) He was 6'3" and his arms, legs and penis were longer than Norton Folgate's. (AUDIO: Another Man's Shoes)

Jack Harkness described Tyler as being very attractive (AUDIO: Orr) and one of the "hottest humans" he had ever been with. (AUDIO: Love Rat) Mr Colchester said that he was beautiful, (AUDIO: Herald of the Dawn) ranked him an 8 for attractiveness (AUDIO: Moderation) and called him "Pretty Boy". (AUDIO: Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy)
