Twenty-First-Century London was the eighth feature exclusively published in Doctor Who Atlas on 2 September 2021[1] by Puffin Books and BBC Children's Books. Written by Steve Cole, with illustrations collectively attributed to David Buisán, Ryan Quickfall, János Orban, John Ross and James Offredi, this feature was an annotated map of 21st century London.
London seems to be a "focal point" for alien threats, being faced by the Doctor and their friends, sometimes at a cost.
In Trap Street, Central London, Mayor Me presides over the alien refugees. It is also the location where Clara is killed by a Quantum Shade.
Gallifrey Falls No More is displayed in the National Gallery, where it is attended by the "mysterious" Curator.
As part of her plan to create a deadly army of Cybermen, Missy transforms St Paul's Cathedral into a dimensionally transcendental space to locate the Nethersphere.
The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler prevent the Slitheen from accessing Britain's nuclear weapons, who had infiltrated 10 Downing Street.
The Nestene Consciousness brought the Autons to life from its base underneath the London Eye, using it as a transmitter.
Elizabeth Tower is destroyed by crash-landing spacecraft seemingly piloted by a space pig, but this turns out to be part of a hoax orchestrated by the Slitheen to initiate World War Three.
The Krillitane used children's brains and imaginations in Deffry Vale High School to attempt to unlock the secrets of the universe.
In Richmond, the Rattigan Academy, while initially a place for good purposes, soon becomes a front for the invasion of the Sontarans.
Four Weeping Angels use Wester Drumlins to send humans back in time to feed on the temporal energy left behind.
Coal Hill School, the same school that the First Doctor's granddaughter Susan attended in 1963, is now the workplace of both Clara and her boyfriend Danny Pink. With the Twelfth Doctor, they fight the Skovox Blitzer.
The Isolus is launched back into space by the Tenth Doctor and Rose, using the Olympic torch, in 2012.
The Eleventh Doctor defeated the Great Intelligence — who had created a base within the Shard — by sending a "robotic duplicate" up the side of the Shard on an anti-grav motorbike.
In UNIT HQ underneath the Tower of London, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, Petronella Osgood, and a man defend the Earth from alien threats and even their Zygon duplicates.
In MI6 HQ, located on the banks of the Thames, spymaster C invites the Thirteenth Doctor and her fam to meet them, but he is killed by a sniper when the Kasaavin breaks in.
Disguising themselves as young children, the leaders of the Zygon High Command hide under Drakeman Junior School in Dulwich, to avoid suspicion.
(In order of appearance)
- The Doctor
- Mayor Me
- Clara Oswald
- The Curator
- Missy
- Ninth Doctor
- Rose
- Nestene Consciousness
- Space pig
- Rattigan
- First Doctor
- Susan
- Danny Pink
- Twelfth Doctor
- Tenth Doctor
- Eleventh Doctor
- Kate Lethbridge-Stewart
- Petronella Osgood
- A man
- Thirteenth Doctor
- Her fam
- C
- Kasaavin
- Zygon leaders
- Trap Street is hidden by a misdirection circuit.
- The Quantum Shade takes the form of a raven.
- The National Gallery is located in Trafalgar Square.
- The Nethersphere is a "storehouse" for the minds of the recently deceased.
- Elizabeth Tower holds the Big Ben bell.
- The Nestene Consciousness is a hive mind.
- Deffry Vale is in West London.
- The Rattigan Academy was originally a place to advance science and technology.
- Waster Drumlins is seemingly haunted.
- Coal Hill School is a secondary school with connections to multiple Doctors.
- The Isolus went back into space go look for love and freedom.
- The Great Intelligence is feeding on human souls captured by its WiFi network.
- This feature, while depicting events set in the early 21st century, doesn't literally depict all these events taking place at the same time.
- This map covers prominent locations from Face the Raven, The Day of the Doctor, Dark Water/Death in Heaven, Aliens of London/World War Three, Rose, School Reunion, The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky, Blink, The Caretaker, Fear Her, The Bells of Saint John, The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion, and Spyfall.
to be added