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After spending a period of time using a combination of sonic sunglasses and his previous model, (COMIC: Clara Oswald and the School of Death) the Twelfth Doctor was gifted a new sonic screwdriver by the TARDIS.

While one account showed him gaining it after he had found Gallifrey at the end of the universe, (TV: Hell Bent) another account depicted him using it whilst travelling with Clara Oswald. (COMIC: The Day at the Doctors)

This new model had a very mechanical and complicated-looking, TARDIS blue, metal handle with multiple emitters, once again resembling the inner structure of the time rotor itself. Additionally, the skeletal metal handle was shaped like a traditional screwdriver handle. The emitter was, once again, blue in colour and could emit both blue (TV: Hell Bent) and green (TV: The Return of Doctor Mysterio) lights. The ring of emitters could also all light up in a circling motion when activated. (TV: Hell Bent)

He continued to use his sonic sunglasses as well, thus giving him two choices of sonic instruments. (TV: The Husbands of River Song, Extremis) Notably, the design of this sonic screwdriver prevented it from rolling away when dropped, solving a grievance the Twelfth Doctor had with his predecessor's model. (TV: Deep Breath)

It was still ineffectual against wood. (TV: Empress of Mars)

The Doctor sometimes attached this screwdriver to his guitar so that he could use both at the same time. (COMIC: The Pestilent Heart)

When the Doctor was stuck in 1972, the screwdriver "ran out of juice" and the Doctor was unable to charge it because he was without his TARDIS. (COMIC: Moving In)

The large switch featured on this model of screwdriver could fix in place, allowing the Doctor to keep it functioning without holding down the button. He used this to his advantage at least one time in 1814 by leaving the sonic screwdriver to transmit a signal whilst it dangled from a rope. (TV: Thin Ice)

After regenerating into the Thirteenth Doctor, the TARDIS console room exploded due to the damage it took from the intensity of the regeneration energy. The Doctor was thrown out of the TARDIS from the explosion, causing her to free fall to the Earth's surface. (TV: Twice Upon a Time) As she fell, she lost this sonic screwdriver along with everything else in her pockets. (TV: The Woman Who Fell to Earth)







Behind the scenes[]

  • Doctor Who: Legacy mobile game contains a premium pack called "Sonic Adventure", which is centred around finding various sonic devices used by different incarnations of the Doctor and by several other characters. The playable characters form this premium pack represented almost every model of sonic screwdriver encountered in the DWU.
  • According to Peter Capaldi in an interview, the prop for this sonic screwdriver was not yet complete during the filming of Hell Bent. Thusly, VFX were used to add it into the scene where the TARDIS launches it into the Twelfth Doctor's hand, with an insert shot of the sonic screwdriver being turned on being added later.
  • Behind the scenes footage show the prop was built with a red setting, although it went unused on-screen.

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