In an aborted timeline, the third incarnation of Romana led Gallifrey through its darkest hour. (AUDIO: Luna Romana, Enemy Lines) While she ultimately orchestrated her own timeline's undoing, a Matrix projection aided her previous self in numerous encounters leading up to the Last Great Time War. (AUDIO: Enemy Lines) To distinguish herself from her predecessors, this projection referred to herself as "Trey", a moniker drawn from the sixth syllable of her birth name, Romanadvoratrelundar. (AUDIO: Luna Romana) Other accounts depict a different Romana III, although with some notable commonalities. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon, etc.)
A day to come[]

The Matrix projection of Romana II's potential successor, dubbed "Trey", alongside her predecessor. (AUDIO: Renaissance)
The second Romana encountered a Matrix projection of this incarnation on several occasions. Claiming to be the last of her people, the projection referred to itself as "Trey" to distinguish herself from her predecessor. (AUDIO: Renaissance) After her previous self had returned from the Axis, Trey stopped Leela and Narvin from returning properly by trapping them in a Chronic Hysteresis. She then showed her younger self the results of the Pandora devastation. By offering her Capitol to her previous incarnation, Trey saved her thousands of years in rebuilding the planet. She had Romana exiled for the death of Kolspen of Unvoss. (AUDIO: Renaissance)
When her previous self disappeared, she went with Narvin and Leela to the Archives, where they met Tallan. She helped Narvin and Leela escape the Matrix before it collapsed. Later, she assisted her second self in defeating the Daleks, who were invading Gallifrey in the past. She created a plan to trap the Daleks inside the Matrix, thus stopping them from invading Gallifrey itself. (AUDIO: Ascension)
In an aborted timeline[]
A new body[]
After tricking Leela into leaving the Moros, Romana II began the regenerative process to prevent the ship from becoming a black hole and destroying Gallifrey. The regenerative energy released balanced the core and prevented its collapse. (AUDIO: Enemy Lines)
Gallifrey's darkest hour[]
During her final term in office, Romana III had to deal with an anomaly near Earth, created using the Hand of Omega. A secret society, known as the Adherents of Ohm, were trying to gain power on Gallifrey, and she suspected that Narvin might be part of it. There was an attempt to assassinate her though Tauras managed to save her. She travelled through a black hole after Narvin tracked Ace there and found out that Tauras had set Omega free from the anti-matter universe. She tried to travel back into her own universe again but was stuck in the black hole as the type 160 TARDIS she was using ran out of power. She accepted that she along with Narvin and Ace wouldn't see Gallifrey again, until Irving Braxiatel saved her and went after Omega. (AUDIO: Intervention Earth)
After Omega returned, a war devastated Gallifrey. (AUDIO: Enemy Lines) As Gallifrey faced its "darkest hour", Romana began to clear sections of the planet in order to make room to build Battle TARDISes. She personally attended the decommissioning of Quadrigger Stoyn's workstation. (AUDIO: Luna Romana)
Rewriting of the timeline[]
To avert a future War that devastated Gallifrey, Trey sent Irving Braxiatel back in time to stop her previous self from regenerating on-board the Moros. Discovering his, Romana II stepped down from the Presidency to ensure that that future would not take hold. (AUDIO: Enemy Lines)
In the wake of Braxiatel's intervention, Romana II was uncertain whether she would eventually regenerate into the same third incarnation or not. (AUDIO: Enemy Lines) With her regeneration averted, her predecessor's tenure as Lady President continued into the first months of the Last Great Time War. When she decided to run again for the Presidency, she promised to promptly regenerate if she received the public vote, as she was barred by law from serving another term in that incarnation. However, she was instead defeated by Valerian. (AUDIO: Desperate Measures)
This incarnation had long dark hair with a fringe, and blue eyes. During her tenure, she wore a standard set of red Time Lord robes with a high collar and a yellow trim. (AUDIO: Intervention Earth)
In lieu of her Time Lord robes, her Matrix projection wore a dark brown suit with light pinstripes. Under her suit, she wore a white dress shirt, suspenders, and a dark red tie under her unbuttoned collar. For headgear, she would wear a beret. (AUDIO: Luna Romana, Renassaince)
On the surface, she appeared to have a sunny and perky disposition, and was prone to wanting to give people hugs. (AUDIO: Renaissance) Despite this, she could be manipulative and ruthless, justifying her actions as doing the best for her people, and acting as a servant of history. (AUDIO: Renaissance, Intervention Earth) She was wistful about her first incarnation's naivety. (AUDIO: Luna Romana)
Behind the scenes[]
- James Goss created Juliet Landau's "Trey" incarnation of Romana for the Big Finish audio stories. It was unclear which incarnation of Romana she was, and Goss initially contrasted her with "other future Romanadvoratrelundars" such as the "brilliantly glacial flapper", Romana III, who first appeared in Paul Cornell's The Shadows of Avalon. (VOR 56) However, Lady Trey was later definitively shown to be the third Romana in Enemy Lines.
- Romana is the second Time Lord, after the Bruce Master as played by Eric Roberts, to be portrayed by an American actor. Unlike Roberts, however, Juliet Landau plays her role with an English accent.