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The Eleventh Doctor warned the Weeping Angels that he was the one thing that should never be put in a trap. (TV: The Time of Angels)

The Pandorica, and the scenario that led to it being uncovered, was described by Commander Stark as "a trap that the Doctor could not resist". (TV: The Pandorica Opens [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010).)

When the Daleks regained their memories of the Doctor during the Siege of Trenzalore, they baited a trap for him aboard the Papal Mainframe but the Eleventh Doctor managed to escape. (TV: The Time of the Doctor [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 (BBC One, 2013).)

Morris Gibbons, a scientific advisor with UNIT, stated that the fact that the first initial and last name of Susan Triad being an anagram of TARDIS meant that the probability of her being a trap for the Fifteenth Doctor was 95%. He later revised this to 96%. Finally, when the Doctor's TARDIS made a strange noise that it had made previously and UNIT detected the presence of the TARDIS at the heart of a strange shape they observed through a time window, he gave the probability as 99% and rising, but noted that the trap was present with them there. (TV: The Legend of Ruby Sunday [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 14 (BBC One and Disney+, 2024).) Sutekh later boasted that he had seen Susan's name inside the TARDIS and that it was the perfect trap. (TV: Empire of Death [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 14 (BBC One and Disney+, 2024).)


In an alternate timeline where the TARDIS engine exploded, the Eleventh Doctor accused Clara Oswald, as he kept meeting her, of being a trap. To his jubilation, she had no idea what he was talking about, reassuring him that she was only his friend. (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS [+]Steve Thompson, Doctor Who series 7 (BBC One, 2013).)
