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A town was a small community of individuals.

The First Doctor visited the town of Tombstone, Arizona in October 1881. (TV: The Gunfighters)

Richard I of England wanted to take the town of Ascalon as part of the Crusades. (TV: The Crusade)

Thisis was a small town located thirty miles away from one of the Third Doctor's houses. (PROSE: Verdigris)

The town of Eternity, California was attacked by dinosaurs in the 1880s. (PROSE: A Town Called Eternity)

The Eighth Doctor, Iris Wildthyme, Sam Jones and Gila visited the town of Fortalice during whilst trying to assemble the Four. (PROSE: The Scarlet Empress)

The Tenth Doctor visited the town of Redwater in Colorado with Martha Jones. (PROSE: Peacemaker)

The Eleventh Doctor spent several centuries in the town of Christmas on Trenzalore, defending it from invaders wanting to stop him from answering the Question. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

In 1870, the Eleventh Doctor visited the town of Mercy, Nevada with Amy Pond and Rory Williams. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

In 1980, the Twelfth Doctor encountered the Fisher King in the mock Soviet town of Краснодар. (TV: Before the Flood, Under the Lake)

Manleigh Halt was a town in England which was where the Manleigh Halt Irregulars originated. (PROSE: The Irredeemable Love)

Talmouth was a seaside town in Wales. (AUDIO: Made You Look)

Tulloch was a town in Scotland, not far from Loch Ness. (TV: Terror of the Zygons)

After the Twelfth Doctor had sent Nardole to guard the Mondasians of the colony ship, Nardole swore that he would name a "really rubbish" town after the Time Lord. (TV: The Doctor Falls)
