A torch was a light source.
In 102, the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and River Song used flaming torches while exploring underhenge. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) In April 1996, Amelia Pond used a torch one night when she went outside to investigate a mysterious police box that crashed into her garden shed at Easter 1996. (TV: The Eleventh Hour) She, the Doctor and River Song and a group of soldiers later used torches when confronting the Weeping Angels. (TV: Flesh and Stone)
In 1963, while exploring the junkyard, Ian Chesterton used a torch, but he dropped it and lost it. (TV: "An Unearthly Child")
In Amsterdam in January 1983, Colin Frazer used a torch while he and Robin Stuart made their way through Frankendael. (TV: Arc of Infinity)
In the 2010s, Kate Stewart had a torch app on her mobile phone. (AUDIO: Invocation)
On 27 July 2012, the Tenth Doctor carried the Olympic Torch when the original torchbearer fell and used it to light the Olympic Flame. (TV: Fear Her) He also used a torch when stranded with a group of people, (TV: Midnight) when facing the Vashta Nerada, (TV: Silence in the Library) and when walking through an underground entrance to a Cyber factory on an alternate earth with Mrs Moore. (TV: The Age of Steel)
The home of Peladon's ruler was lit with torches. (TV: The Curse of Peladon, The Monster of Peladon)
On Desperus in 4000, Bors, Garge and Kirksen used torches to investigate the landing of the Spar. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)
In the TARDIS, during a partial blackout due to a time override, the Fifth Doctor asked Turlough to find electric torches, eventually used by them. (TV: Enlightenment)
From the Eighth Doctor onwards, the Doctor's sonic screwdriver could function as a torch. (AUDIO: Sword of Orion, TV: The Beast Below, Closing Time, The Angels Take Manhattan, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, Thin Ice, Oxygen)
When Davros and Elwyn were rowing across the Lake of Mutations, Davros used the sonic screwdriver to light their way, attracting a tentacled mutation. Davros chased it off using the sonic screwdriver's upgraded laser. (PROSE: The Last of the Dals)
The Thals referred to torches as "firelights". Fifty cycles after the Thal-Dalek battle, two parties that had entered the ruined Dalek City used their torches to navigate the now darkened corridors. (AUDIO: Return to Skaro)
When the Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald trekked through the ruins of Trenzalore, the Doctor helped himself to a torch to light their way through the catacombs. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)