Tommy Dalton was the son of Hank and Lizzie Dalton, individuals of a humanoid species who hid out on Earth to escape the Piggybackers. Born and bred in Brideport, United States, Tommy spent the first few years of his life unaware of his extraterrestrial heritage.
By 1962, Tommy attended Brideport Elemenatry School, as a member of Edith Harcourt's class. After he was sent to Principle Winters office after getting into a fight with another student, Miss Harcourt's piggybacker hypnotised her class of unruly students, as well as the entire school, into silent drones. Tommy, who's species was immune to the piggybacker's influence, sought help from an investigating Thirteenth Doctor and Yasmin Khan. It wasn't until Edith attempted to harm Tommy directly that his parents intervened, showing their son their true forms for the first time.
After Edith's death as a result of severing her connection with the piggybacker, Tommy attended her funeral, along with his parents. (COMIC: The Piggybackers [+]Scott Gray, DWM Comics (Panini Comics, 2020).)