Tom's Wildthyme novels were a series of three novels, published by Satan & Satan Ltd.. All three novels were initially printed as hardbacks, before being released as paperbacks.
After Tom and Iris Wildthyme separated, around five years later Tom began to write novels about his adventures with Iris. With Satan & Satan as his publisher, he was under contract to write nine novels in total.
The first two novels weren't particularly successful, but Tom's third book was extremely successful after he went on a television show, Everybody's on the Settee with Phelula and Ken.
As it turned out, the editor of Satan & Satan Ltd., Mida Slike, had actually set up the company entirely to get Tom to write these novels, so that she and MIAOW could learn of Iris's secrets, but later Iris forced Mida to terminate Tom's contract so that Tom could travel with her again. (AUDIO: Wildthyme at Large)
When Panda was on Valcea with Iris and Simon, he reminisced about Tom and his books, about how he initially thought the books were fictional. (PROSE: Enter Wildthyme)