Time Gentlemen, Please! was a Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor comic story published in 2015.
The Doctor, Strax, and Rory Williams go on a pub crawl across the universe.
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- This is Strax's second appearance without Vastra or Jenny Flint. The first was a cameo in Sonic Sleuth, but this time he plays a primary role as a companion.
- Due to Marc Ellerby being sick with the flu, he did not write a backup strip for Issue #10 and instead wrote a special two-page Issue for #11.
Original print details[]
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- The Doctor visited Karfel in his third and sixth incarnations. (TV: Timelash, PROSE: Speed of Flight)
- The Doctor visited Metebelis III in his third, seventh, and eighth incarnations. (TV: The Green Death, Planet of the Spiders, PROSE: The Eight Doctors, AUDIO: Beyond the Ultimate Adventure)
- The Doctor previously visited Argolis with Romana II and K9. (TV: The Leisure Hive)
- The TARDIS landed on the shed in Amy's garden at her London home and crushed it. When Amy asked what happened to it, the Doctor replied it was an old habit. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
- Amy was again shown hanging out the top floor window in her pyjamas. (TV: The Power of Three)
- One of the pubs visited was The Last Centurion on the planet Pondula, where every patron looked identical to Rory. As an Auton guarding Amy in the Pandorica, Rory earned the nickname "The Last Centurion" and occasionally still went by that title after the universe was rebooted. (TV: The Big Bang, A Good Man Goes to War) Pondula was not the first time Rory visited a place where everyone looked identical to him. He previously landed on a planet where the entire race consisted of primitive Rorys created from Rory's DNA. (COMIC: Planet of the Rorys)