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Lord Thymon was an erstwhile time-demon from the Outer Void. He used to be the Embodiment of Time from the Void Between Worlds, before he reformed and became an ally to the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids.

In November 2019, Maxiassa, a Gendar, invoked Thymon's name in a figure of speech, exclaiming "for Thymon's sake!", while talking with the Greth about the legacy of the Sun Builders. (PROSE: Out of the Box [+]Aristide Twain, Out of the Shadows (P.R.O.B.E., Arcbeatle Press, 2021).)

In December 2020, Thymon was summoned for his expert opinion after Carter-1277 opened a mysterious gift which contained a large leatherbound book. He was able to determine three things: first, that the book originated from the Third Universe as opposed to the Prime Universe; second, that he didn't know how or when the book had ended up in the Cupid Homeworld but that whoever was responsible had some very serious metatemporal capabilities; and lastly, that there was something rotten about the whole business. However, Celebration-665 of the Department of Festivities was also consulted on the matter and instead regarded the gift as a Christmas miracle, with a reading of the book commencing once it was agreed Celebration should be trusted more when it came to the proper handling a Christmas present. Thymon then sulked in a corner, with some of the other Cupids snickering at his expense, but he was later proved correct when the book turned out to be Auteur's Abecedarium. (PROSE: Auteur's Abecedarium [+]Jayce Black, The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids crossover fiction (Goblin Studios, 2020).)

Behind the scenes[]

Lord Thymon

Lord Thymon, as depicted by Aristide Twain.

Lord Thymon is a recurring character in The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids, the series with which Auteur's Abecedarium [+]Jayce Black, The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids crossover fiction (Goblin Studios, 2020). and Auteur and the Homeworld [+]Lupan Evezan, The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids crossover fiction (Goblin Studios, 2022). were crossovers. Aristide Twain, who wrote the P.R.O.B.E. story Out of the Box, which referenced Thymon, was one of the series' co-creators.

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