This is 2065 was a short story printed across two issues of TV Century 21.
The story gave an overview of life in TV21's future setting of 2065. It was especially notable for detailing in great depth Steve Zodiac's role in preventing the Space War, which had been the subject of a multi-series crossover with the Doctor Who universe earlier in the year.
Agent Twenty One informs other agents of the Universal Secret Service that he is now able to comply with their requests for background information on both himself and other branches of the World Government.
- Brent Cleever
- Nikita Bandranaik
- Commander Sam Shore
- General McCormack
- Colonel Steve Zodiac
- Admiral Beatty
- S
- Brent Cleever was born in Kahra, capital of Mars, in 2018. His parents were two early colonisers of Mars who arrived there during the early part of the 21st century. After leaving Kahra University with a degree in commercial management and salesmanship, he began work with the Kahra International Toy Company.
- On his first representative trip to Venus, Cleever was involved in the breaking up of the Organisation For Liquidation, Extermination, Terrorism and Arson. As a result of this, he was approached by S, the head of the newly formed USS.
- A bowling alley and a cinema can be seen from the TV 21 building in Unity City. Other locations in Unity include the wide throughfare of Kruschev Avenue with its high class fashion houses, a massive lake, an open air concert hall, the World Senate building and the Presidential Palace.
- The World President, Nikita Bandranaik, was elected in 2045 by the first international election ever held. Supported by the Senate, which consists of one national representative per ten million population, the President appoints the men and committees which run and control the various international defence bodies throughout the Universe.
- The World Security Council, housed in Washington, is divided into five sections:
- The World Aquanaut Security Patrol, under the control of Commander Sam Shore and based at Marineville.
- The Army-Air Force, with General McCormack in complete charge. The main base is located at Boscombe, England, and is the Security Council's main aircraft testing plant.
- The World Space Patrol, commanded by Commander Zero and based at Space City. This section controls all the spacecraft of the Solar Empire and is responsible for defence and attack in the event of space invasion.
- The World Navy, commanded by Admiral Beatty. It is mainly used for freighter and robot ship escort. Although W.A.S.P. is slowly overtaking the Navy's role, the giant naval bases of Gibraltar and Sydney are still under Beatty's control.
- The Universal Secret Service is headed by S who sits on the Security Council. Field agents and administrative control are run by Senior Special Agent 21. It works closely with the World Space Patrol due to the latter's universal approach.
- Stingray is the foremost craft in Section One.
- The Junglecat machines belong to the Army-Air Force and are used extensively in Africa and South America.
- Zodiac's ship is Fireball XL5.
- FD7, a World Navy ship, is on loan to the World Aquanaut Security Patrol.
- USS headquarters is the Century 21 Toys Inc. factory in Kahra.
- All pictures of USS personnel are artist's impressions as security instructions forbid photographs.
- This is 2065 is a crossover with aspects of 21, Stingray and Fireball XL5.
- During the military emergency in May, when Unity City was sealed off while the Kaplan's assassin was hunted, the press learnt a lot about Colonel Steve Zodiac who was in charge of the investigations. (COMIC: Assassination! et al.)
- Zodiac's "brilliant" handling of the Astran crisis and the part he played in the Astran revolution are mentioned. (COMIC: Revolution on Astra, Astra's Final Battle)