The Third Doctor Adventures was an audio series produced by Big Finish Productions beginning in 2015. It starred a recast Third Doctor, played by Tim Treloar, and Jo Grant, played by Katy Manning. Sadie Miller and Daisy Ashford were cast as Sarah Jane Smith and Liz Shaw (originally portrayed by their respective mothers Elisabeth Sladen and Caroline John).
Volume 1[]
- Main article: The Third Doctor Adventures (audio anthology)
Volume 2[]
- Main article: The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 2
Volume 3[]
- Main article: The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume Three
Volume 4[]
- Main article: The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume Four
Volume 5[]
- Main article: The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume Five
Volume 6[]
- Main article: The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume Six
Volume 7[]
- Main article: The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume Seven
Volume 8[]
- Main article: The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume Eight
The Annihilators[]
- Main article: The Annihilators (audio story)
- Main article: Kaleidoscope (audio story)
The Return of Jo Jones[]
- Main article: The Return of Jo Jones (audio anthology)
Intelligence for War[]
- Main article: Intelligence for War (audio story)
Revolution in Space[]
- Main article: Revolution in Space (audio story)
The Quintessence[]
- Main article: The Quintessence (audio story)
Cover gallery[]
External links[]
Big Finish Doctor Who series and spin-offs |
| Classic Series |
| | New Series |
Series that have never starred the Doctor are excluded from this list. | | Time War | | | "New Series" Adventures | | | |
| | The Worlds of Doctor Who |
| | Special Releases |
Ranges | | | Anthologies | | | These anthologies were released to celebrate anniversaries. |
| | These stories feature Doctor Who characters, but do not primarily star the Doctor. |
| | Torchwood |
| | The Worlds of Big Finish |
| | Special Releases | | | Other | | | These DWU characters have never been owned by the BBC. |