The Paternoster Gang Investigates was a series of short stories focused on the Paternoster Gang in the Doctor Who Adventures, beginning in DWA15 1 and continuing until the magazine went on hiatus with issue 24. Some stories were described as entries from Jenny Flint's journal and others were written as Strax Field Reports.
- The Singular Case of the Blue Men of the Minch
- The Phantom of the Music Hall
- The Giant's Heart
- The House of Sorrows
- The Singular Case of the Time Machine
- The Tudor Engagement
- The Curious Case of the Misery Diary
- The Spectre of Paternoster Row
- The Case of the Dissolving Man
- The Confounding Case of the Planetary Prankster
- The Importance of Being Strax
- The Case of the Curious Fugitive
- The Pernicious Plots of the Big Game Hunter
- The Dangerous Dilemma of the Dream Doorway
- The Terror of the Thames
- The Pneuman League
- The Curious Case of the Miniature Menaces
- The Fear Factory
- The Insidious Ideas of the Danger Thinkers
- The Howling on the Hills
- The Evolution Episode
- Assassin on the Railroads
- The Inscrutable Illusionist
- The Curious Case of the Weirdling Woods