The Paradox Moon was the twelfth short story published in The Wintertime Paradox.
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to be added
- Thirteenth Doctor
- Shadow Architect
- Sibling Different
- Sibling Same
- X-B1
- Judoon
- Saxon Master
- River Song
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- The opening scene dates the Year That Never Was as beginning on 23 June 2007. Apart from being a direct reference to the original airdate of TV: The Sound of Drums, the given year is incorrect.
- Dave Rudden stated in a Reddit AMA that he intended the past identities of Siblings Same and Different to be mysteries without answers.[1] Sibling Same is described similarly to the boy who tormented the Eighth Doctor in PROSE: Unnatural History.
- Sibling Same visits the paradox machine at the start of the Year That Never Was. (TV: The Sound of Drums)
- Same and Different are animated by paradox energy. (PROSE: The End of the Beginning)
- The Doctor ended the Time War. (TV: Dalek)
- Same and Different watch River Song run into the TARDIS, knowing it will shortly explode. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)
- The Doctor calls herself a "citizen of the universe". (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)
- Hanging in the house is a replica of Jacques-Louis David's painting "Napoleon Crossing the Alps", with Napoleon riding a stegosaurus. (PROSE: Canaries)
- The Doctor recalls jumping into her timestream. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)
- In one timeline, the Doctor died fighting the Cybermites on Agrippina. (PROSE: A Girl Called Doubt)
- The Siblings visit timelines where Donna Noble never existed, (TV: Turn Left) where Clara Oswald never died, (TV: The Snowmen, Face the Raven) and where the Bad Wolf and Daleks fused. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)
- The Siblings visit the Masque Magestrix. (PROSE: He's Behind You)
- The Siblings used Henrik Chyll to learn about the Doctor. (PROSE: Visiting Hours)
- The Siblings wear masks of bone. They cannot remember their origins, but the Doctor speculates that they are the last "fraction" of a group that chased paradoxes before the war. (PROSE: Alien Bodies) Late-stage splinter groups of the Faction, such as the Family of the Shadow Spire, were previously shown to include the rank of Sibling, whereas the hierarchy earlier iterations of the Faction moved directly from Little Sibling to Cousin. (PROSE: Going Once, Going Twice)