The Oxaqua Incident was a short story published in Doctor Who Annual 1984. It featured the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough.
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- The Basks are a humanoid species on Oxaqua. The only other sentient life form on Oxaqua are the Thiegs.
- The Doctor has stopped on Oxaqua for some Rellium crystals for a miniature transporter ray he was working on.
- Ghum believes that the Basks have violated the Co-existence Code.
- The Basks have tiny attack Bubblecraft equipped with Beam Guns.
- The Doctor is given an exact replica of the Oxaquan Sword of Office by Ghum.
- According to the Doctor, they always say Skirri bip hoom da lunce on Capu 2.
- This story is clearly a parable about ethnic conflict back on Earth, most likely an allusion to the Troubles in Northern Ireland, still very much ongoing in 1983. (Thieg, or rather "Teig," was and remains a term of abuse for Northern Irish Catholics.)
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