The Mask of Anarchy (PROSE: The Book of the War) was a poem written by Percy Shelley in 1819. (PROSE: The Book of the War, AUDIO: The Peterloo Massacre) It was inspired by the Peterloo Massacre. (AUDIO: The Peterloo Massacre)
Several lines of the poem had first appeared to Shelley while sleep in Italy; though he later claimed that he dreamt that Murder's mask resembled "Castlereagh", the lines originally read
- "I met Murder on the way –
- He had a mask like Dvora –
- Very smooth he looked, yet grim;
- Seven blood-hounds followed him." (PROSE: The Book of the War)
The Fifth Doctor recited another excerpt to his companions Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka:
- "Rise, like lions after slumber
- In unvanquishable number!
- Shake your chains to earth like dew
- Which in sleep had fallen on you:
- Ye are many — they are few!" (AUDIO: The Peterloo Massacre)