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The Jetsons is an American animated television franchise from Hanna-Barbera that began with the original animated sitcom of the same name on 23 September 1962. The series revolves around the titular Jetsons, consisting of George Jetson, his boy Elroy, daughter Judy, and Jane, his wife, and their lives in the far future Orbit City. In essence, it was the future-themed equivalent to The Flintstones.


The franchise gained a single, explicit connection to the Doctor Who universe through the mass-crossover video game, LEGO Dimensions, in the form of in-game content that can only be accessed through the use of certain Doctor Who elements. Located throughout the game are hidden TARDIS pads which, when built and used in conjunction with the Doctor's TARDIS, will send the player to one of several secret areas. One such pad, located within The Simpsons-based level, The Mysterious Voyage of Homer, which can be discovered upon breaking The 200 from Planet of the Dead, will send the player to an area based on the Jetsons' family home.

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