The Happiness Patrol was a comic series focusing on the titular Happiness Patrol which were licensed directly from their copyright-holders. It was published by Cutaway Comics.[1][2]
Publisher's summary[]
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The Death of Fifi[]
The Death of Fifi [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW. was published in six chapters in issues of SFX magazine.
# | Title | Writer | Artist | Featuring | Printed in | Release date |
1 | First Degree Grief | Andrew Cartmel | Adrian Salmon | Helen A | SFX 346 | 3 November 2021 |
2 | Meet Fifi | Helen A, Fifi | SFX 347 | 1 December 2021 | ||
3 | Funeral Comedian | SFX 348 | 29 December 2021 | |||
4 | Stand Up Tragedy | SFX 349 | 26 January 2022 | |||
5 | Helen A | SFX 350 | 23 February 2022 | |||
6 | The Alien | SFX 351 | 23 March 2022 |
Terra Alpha Nights[]
Terra Alpha Nights [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW. was published as a backup comic in the issues of Cutaway Comics's Paradise Towers series.
# | Title | Writer | Artist | Featuring | Printed in | Release date |
1 | Ecstatic | Andrew Orton | Faiz Rehman | Happiness Patrol | PTPF 1 |
2 | Smile | PTPF 2 |
| |||
3 | Cloud Nine | PTPF 3 | ||||
4 | Delight | PTPF 4 |
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