The Face in the Storm was the sixth story of the thirteenth series of The Fourth Doctor Adventures, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by Sarah Grochala and featured Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, Christopher Naylor as Harry Sullivan and Eleanor Crooks as Naomi Cross.
Publisher's summary[]
1916 and the TARDIS has landed in the cargo hold of the SS Maycrest, a ship transporting soldiers across the Atlantic.
Except that’s not all that’s being transported across the ocean. Because the Doctor and his friends find a strange crate in the hold, a crate that's unnaturally cold.
But the contents of the crate are not the ship’s biggest secret. Nor it’s deadliest threat...
Part one[]
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Part two[]
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- The Doctor - Tom Baker
- Harry Sullivan - Christopher Naylor
- Naomi Cross - Eleanor Crooks
- Samuel Clemetson - Kayi Ushe
- Arnold Dacres - Reece Pantry
- Captain Edward Sackville-Smythe - Christopher Weeks
- The Yukionna - Helen Goldwyn
- Director - Jamie Anderson
- Script Editor - John Dorney
- Executive Producer - Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
- Music - Jamie Robertson
- Producer - David Richardson
- Sound Design - Toby Hrycek-Robinson
- Written - Sarah Grochala
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External links[]
- Official The Face in the Storm page at