The Doctor on My Shoulder was a two-part online short story released in serial form on the BBC's Doctor Who website as part of the 2009 Adventure Calendar.
Shrunk down to the size of a doll, the Tenth Doctor enlists the help of a teenage boy to rescue a princess.
- The Tenth Doctor loves The Snowman and recognises his location as Earth because of it playing on television. He mentions the snowman flies around and dances with Father Christmas.
- This is the last piece of new Tenth Doctor fiction to be officially published prior to the regeneration in The End of Time.
- The Doctor refers to having been Father Christmas at times. (COMIC: A Christmas Story, PROSE: The Man Who (Nearly) Killed Christmas, PROSE: A Visit from Saint Nicholas)
- The Doctor refers to the fact that at least the Christmas tree isn't trying to kill him. (TV: The Christmas Invasion, The Runaway Bride)