The Deadstone Memorial was the seventy-first novel in the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures series. It was written by Trevor Baxendale, released 4 October 2004 and featured the Eighth Doctor, Fitz Kreiner and Trix MacMillan.
Publisher's summary[]
There is no such thing as a good night.
You may think you can hide away in dreams. Safely tucked up in bed, nothing can touch you.
But, as every child knows, there are bad dreams. And bad dreams are where the monsters are.
The Doctor knows all about monsters. And he knows that sometimes they can still be there when you wake up. And when the horror is more than just a memory, there is nowhere to hide.
Even here, today, tonight... in the most ordinary of homes, and against the most ordinary people, the terror will strike.
A young boy will suffer terrifying visions...
...and his family will encounter a deathless horror.
Only the Doctor can help — but first, he must uncover the fearsome secret of the Deadstone Memorial.
to be added
- The Eighth Doctor
- Fitz Kreiner
- Trix
- Dr Green
- Jade McKeown
- Old Man Crawley
- The Master
- Bernard Harris
- Callum McKeown
- Hazel McKeown
- Lewis
- Tommo
- The Doctor's Gladstone bag contains Gobstoppers, Fizz Bombs, Jelly babies, an Eagle comic from the 1950s and a psionic beam locator.
- The Doctor knew Edgar Allan Poe.
- The Doctor once witnessed psychic possession on the planet Kufan.
to be added
- Trix rings Anji to say she's left some future copies of the Financial Times in the usual place, forshadowing events of the later (and final) novel of this series, The Gallifrey Chronicles [+]Lance Parkin, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2005).
- The Doctor carries his Gladstone bag, which previous appeared in the Shark Bait [+]Bill Mevin, TVC comic stories (Polystyle Publications, Ltd., 1965)., Template:A Christmas Story (comic story), {{Timeless}}, and more.
- The Doctor speaks to an image of the Master in a mirror in his TARDIS, and demands to know who he is. , which previously happened in PROSE: Sometime Never... and is a reference to Scream of the Shalka [+]Paul Cornell, BBCi animations (2003).
- The Doctor recalls the century he spent trapped on Earth, which began in PROSE: The Burning)
External links[]
- The Deadstone Memorial at the Doctor Who Reference Guide
- The Discontinuity Guide to: The Deadstone Memorial at The Whoniverse
- The Cloister Library: The Deadstone Memorial