The Davros Mission was originally a story produced by Big Finish Productions for 2|entertain and from its release until 2012 was only available with The Complete Davros Collection DVD box set. In 2012 Big Finish Productions made it available through their website for purchase and download, rebranding it as part of their I, Davros series.
Publisher's summary[]
After his capture on Necros, Davros is destined to face the justice of the Daleks. He sits alone, isolated in his cell. His creations will no longer listen to him. But out of the darkness comes a voice... Davros is no longer alone in his torment. Before he faces trial on the planet Skaro, he must go through an ordeal that will force him to the very limits of his sanity. But where do his true loyalties lie? How will he face the future?
to be added
- Davros — Terry Molloy
- The Daleks — Nicholas Briggs
- Lareen — Miranda Raison
- Alydon / Gus — Sean Connolly
- Computer / Raz — Gregg Newton
- Writer & Director - Nicholas Briggs
- Executive Producers - Nicholas Briggs and Jason Haigh-Ellery
- Music & Sound Design - David Darlington
- Producer - Sharon Gosling
- Daleks, Davros and Thals created by Terry Nation
- The Gralians were a mollusc-like species.
- This story was only available as a bonus feature in The Complete Davros Collection until 28 January 2012, where it was subsequently released for purchase as a download only on Big Finish Productions' website.[1]
- This story was recorded on 15 August 2007.
- Davros has just been captured on Necros and given a new robotic hand. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks)
- Lareen carries a concentrated form of the Movellan virus. (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks)
- Davros contemplates how he would break the capsule and release the virus. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks)
- Davros becomes the Dalek Emperor. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)
- Davros says the Daleks have no need for slaves. (TV: Destiny of the Daleks)
- Davros is removed from his life-support unit. (TV: The Witch's Familiar)
External links[]
- Official The Davros Mission page at
- The Davros Mission on Spotify
- ↑ Day of the Davros - TODAY! SALE NOW ON!. Big Finish (26/01/2012). Retrieved on 28th January 2012.