The Comfort of the Good was the eleventh story of the Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor comic story series published in 2015, and the two-part finale to the first year of the series. It saw the departures of John Jones and ARC, and wound up the SERVEYOUinc storyline.
- Series co-writers Al Ewing and Rob Williams team up for an unmissable mini-epic, as a year's worth of stories come to a head!
- Can the Doctor save his new friends from their time-twisting fates?
- Will Alice find peace – or be marooned far from Earth?!
- Will ARC finally discover the truth about itself – or be reduced to atoms?!
- Will Jones fulfil his cosmic rock god destiny – or die among the stars?!
- And who will be left to join the Doctor as we head into Year Two?!
Part one[]
to be added
Part two[]
to be added
- Talent Scout takes on the appearance of the Doctor's mother.
- While in London, the Doctor walks past the Scone and Trafalgar Square.
- This was the second Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor two-parter released under the same title.
- This was the last story of Year One.
- Several references are made to The Snowman. Jones is shown looking through his memory attic, referencing David Bowie's video introduction to the film. Jones is also depicted flying in the sky in his pyjamas with a cloud mass resembling the titular flying snowman.
- The Doctor sings part of the Doctor Who theme.
Original print details[]
to be added
- The Doctor remembers being thrown out of the TARDIS after it was hit by a paradox, and reveals that the TARDIS intentionally threw him out as a warning shot. (COMIC: Four Dimensions)
- Jones references going to Ancient Rome and Mississippi and inventing Xavi Moonburst. (COMIC: Conversion, What He Wants, The Other Doctor)
- The mysterious Time Lord stalking the Doctor is revealed to now be in charge of the Doctor's TARDIS, and the Doctor believes her to be his mother. (COMIC: After Life) It turned out to be the Talent Scout, masquerading as the Doctor's mother.
- The Doctor remembers Alice has a link to the TARDIS psychic circuits from when the Talent Scout last tried to stow away on the TARDIS. (COMIC: Four Dimensions)
- The Doctor, Alice, and Jones return to the Dog & Duck so Jones can resume his music career and Alice can see her mother as a young woman. (COMIC: What He Wants...)