The Chameleon Factor was a Seventh Doctor comic strip published in Doctor Who Magazine.
The Seventh Doctor finds his first incarnation's signet ring stuck in the TARDIS console and, having recovered it, decides to start wearing it again.
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- The Second Doctor, Ben and Polly appear in a flashback to shortly after his regeneration.
- The new "Virgin New Adventures" TARDIS console room is debuted, just prior to the beginning of the series. It would remain as the TARDIS console room for the DWM run until COMIC: Final Genesis.
- The Doctor's signet ring interfaces with the chameleon circuit, which he had thought was gone for good. (TV: The Power of the Daleks)
- Ace gets spooked by a manifestation of Sutekh, just as Sarah Jane Smith had with the real one. (TV: Pyramids of Mars)