The Boy and the Dalek was the first story in The Adventures Before anthology, published by BBC Books. It was written by Mark Griffiths and featured the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Victoria Waterfield, the First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and the Daleks.
to be added
- Second Doctor
- Jamie McCrimmon
- Victoria Waterfield
- Dalek 444
- Dalek Emperor
- Harrison Flannery
- Harrison Flannery's Grandfather
- Harrison Flannery's Grandmother
- First Doctor
- Susan Foreman
- Ian Chesterton
- Barbara Wright
to be added
to be added
- The story concludes with the mutant Dalek 444 watching the arrival of the First Doctor and his three companions in the Petrified jungle. (TV: The Daleks)