The Apprentice was a television show hosted by Alan Sugar, and his assistants Nick Hewer and Karren Brady, on which he challenged contestants to sell as many Shakri cubes as possible within 24 hours. Craig made a "right hash of it", and was swiftly fired by Lord Sugar. (TV: The Power of Three)
Ianto Jones was a fan of the series. (AUDIO: The Office of Never Was)
Orr said that Tyler Steele had gone from being like a contestant on The Apprentice to being like a contestant on Bake Off. (AUDIO: ScrapeJane)
Behind the scenes[]
Helicopter footage of Canary Wharf was taken from The Apprentice and used in Army of Ghosts upon revealing the true location of Torchwood Tower.
When the Spy Master requests an alliance with the Cyberium in the TV episode The Timeless Children, he references The Apprentice, claiming he "deserves to be its business partner, because he has performed well in all the tasks", a common excuse that the candidates from the TV show use to become Lord Sugar's business partner.