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During the Planetary Relocation Incident, the Tenth Doctor was fatally shot by a Dalek, triggering a regeneration which the Doctor chose to abort midway through by siphoning the regeneration energy that would have changed his appearance into the Tenth Doctor's hand, and allowing the Doctor to completely heal himself while remaining in his tenth incarnation. (TV: Journey's End [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008).) By later accounts, this was the eleventh and penultimate regeneration of the twelve regeneration life cycle beginning with the First Doctor. (TV: The Time of the Doctor [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 (BBC One, 2013).)



Just prior to the end of the Year That Never Was, the Saxon Master used his laser screwdriver to age the Tenth Doctor by several centuries, "suspend[ing]" his capacity to regenerate. However, the Doctor was later rejuvenated by the combined thoughts of the human race combined by the Archangel Network. (TV: Last of the Time Lords [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 3 (BBC One, 2007).)

An aborted regeneration[]

During the Planetary Relocation Incident caused by Davros, the Tenth Doctor would find himself reunited with Rose Tyler, who he believed to be permanently trapped in an alternate universe following the battle of Canary Wharf. However, before the two could properly reunite, the Doctor was taken by surprise by the sudden appearance of a Dalek and was fatally shot by it before it was in turn destroyed by Jack Harkness. After being brought back into the TARDIS by Jack, Rose and Donna Noble, Donna tried to think of something that could help until both her and Rose were told by Jack to step away from the Doctor, Rose especially since she knew what was going to happen as the Doctor's hand began to glow. Being dragged back from the Doctor with Rose by Jack, Donna demanded to know what was happening, learning from Rose of the Time Lord's ability to regenerate after being fatally injured, but with the side effect of their entire body and appearance completely changing, distressing Rose after she'd just reunited with the Doctor who, with one final apology and unable to stop the process, began to regenerate in front of the three. (TV: The Stolen Earth)

However, the Doctor had grown to love being the person he was in his tenth incarnation, and much to the shock of his companions he quickly sent regeneration energy into his spare hand midway through the process, aborting the regeneration and appearing unchanged. The Doctor explains once he used the regeneration to heal himself he siphoned the remaining regeneration energy that would have changed his appearance into a matching bio-matching receptacle, stating he didn't want to change, thus allowing him to remain in his current incarnation. (TV: Journey's End)


During the Dalek's attempt at destroying the TARDIS, a trapped Donna would touch the container holding the Doctor's spare hand, and thanks to the siphoned regeneration energy created a meta crisis that resulted in the hand regrowing another version of the Tenth Doctor who would save the TARDIS from destruction. In the 1851 incident, the Tenth Doctor briefly believed that a man who believed himself to be the Doctor could indeed have been "the next Doctor. Or the next but one. A future Doctor anyway." It soon became apparent that the other Doctor was a human named Jackson Lake, who had been given the Doctor's memories by an infostamp. (TV: The Next Doctor [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (BBC One, 2008).) By the time of his retirement to London in 1892, the Eleventh Doctor believed himself to be "the last Doctor" and so was initially skeptical as to the Twelfth Doctor's identity when they met in an encounter which the earlier Doctor lost his memory of. (AUDIO: Regeneration Impossible [+]Alfie Shaw, Short Trips (Big Finish Productions, 2020).) During the Siege of Trenzalore, the aging Eleventh Doctor revealed to Clara Oswald that he had expended all twelve of his regenerations. After reminding her that the War Doctor was still a regeneration despite not identifying as the Doctor, he added that "number ten once regenerated and kept the same face", which he attributed to "vanity issues". (TV: The Time of the Doctor [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 (BBC One, 2013).)

In an alternate timeline, the Tenth Doctor, after meeting the Eleventh Doctor, was skeptical of the Twelfth Doctor, knowing that he should have only one regeneration left. The Eleventh Doctor was similarly skeptical of his supposed successor but eventually became content about him, voicing his relief to Clara Oswald that he would not be the last incarnation. (COMIC: Four Doctors [+]Paul Cornell, Titan summer events (Titan Comics, 2015).)
