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The Tengobushi was a caste of the powerful ancient race of Kamishi. Unlike the higher castes, they could not change their appearance at will and were humanoid in appearance. They were skilful in stealth and combat. They could extract information from an individual by removing the brain from a hole in the skull, leading to the individual's death. Tengobushi could create energy discs by the power of their will. If captured, they used their ability to control energy to commit suicide by holding hands together.
A group of Tengobushi came to Earth to retrieve a Kamishi artefact. They were led by Dokan, a Kamishi of higher caste. (AUDIO: Death in Geneva, The Battle of the Tower) Tengobushi assassins including Chiso attacked Josh Carter and Anna Burges to find information on where Petronella Osgood had gone. They followed her to Geneva, where they murdered Sebastien Jeanvier and his girlfriend. Dokan ordered them to kill the UNIT troops protecting Osgood (AUDIO: Death in Geneva) and to attack the Tower of London. (AUDIO: The Battle of the Tower) They also kidnapped Grant Avery. (AUDIO: Death in Geneva) They helped Dokan at Antarctica. (AUDIO: Ice Station Alpha)