Teen Titans Go! is an American animated television series developed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic for Cartoon Network.
Set primarily in Jump City, the series follows the adventures of the titular Teen Titans, attempting to be an independent team of superheroes. It may be seen as a part of the larger DC Multiverse.
The series began on 23 April 2013, and has been going ever since. It has also gained various pieces of spinoff media, including a film in 2018, and various other media, including a series of comics and representation in a Cartoon Network Roblox game.[1]
Teen Titans Go! was one of the multiple franchises to be represented alongside the Doctor Who universe in the mass-crossover toys-to-life video game, LEGO Dimensions. The Teen Titans Go! content was added to the game via its second wave of figurines and adventure packs in 2017, joining Doctor Who and the other existing franchise elements that were built into the game upon its original release.
This addition to the game allowed players to control the franchise's three original playable characters - Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire - and have them play through the A Dalektable Adventure and Dalek Extermination of Earth levels, and explore the Who-themed adventure world, as well as operate K9 and interact with the Doctor's TARDIS. The other playable characters - Robin and Cyborg - are not usually in their Teen Titans Go! form outside of their respective adventure world.
In turn, this allowed the player to explore the Teen Titans Go! adventure world as the Doctor or the Cyberman, and battle in the Training Arena and Party Arena battle arenas, as well as using the related vehicles and objects - the T-Car, the Spellbook of Azarath, and the Titan Robot - in any world.
Various playable characters from Teen Titans Go! have unique voice clips when paired with Doctor Who elements. When riding the Dalek, Raven says "EX-TER-MI-NATE. I'm down with that.". When piloting the TARDIS, Starfire remarks "Oooh, I have always wanted to be the companion!". When paired with the Doctor, Robin remarks "So, Doctor... Something happens to you where you're basically the same person but your looks and personality almost completely change? Wow... Glad that's never happened to the Teen Titans!". This is a reference to the rebrand from Teen Titans to Teen Titans Go!.
In promotional material for the game, the Teen Titans Go! content was advertised in the trailer New Adventures Await!, with the second-to-last scene in the trailer depicting Beast Boy in the Land of Ooo declaring "I'm the fantastic beas-" before being captured by Newt Scamander, who holds him in his suitcase.
Behind the scenes connections[]
To be added