A tea lady working in the EMI Recording Studios' cafeteria in the year 1963, served two cups of tea to the Doctor and Ruby Sunday. When the Doctor exclaimed the high price of the tea and said it was daylight robbery, she acclaimed Margaret Lockwood's performance in "The Wicked Lady". (TV: The Devil's Chord)
The Fifteenth Doctor later recognised her as resembling the same woman as others he and Ruby encountered across their travels. (TV: The Legend of Ruby Sunday [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 14 (BBC One and Disney+, 2024).) In 2024, Sutekh revealed the tea lady was just one of countless people he had created throughout time and space to unleash his dust of death onto all of creation when he revealed himself through Susan Triad. (TV: Empire of Death [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 14 (BBC One and Disney+, 2024).)