A video from John Lumic orders the "upgrade" of humans to Cybermen to commence around the world. This is followed by an animated diagram of a "Skin to Metal Upgrade" and a Cyberman being instructed by Lumic to "delete" all incompatible humans...
This episode is made up almost entirely of reused or repurposed footage. The CG animation of the brain moving into the Cyberman body is from John Lumic's presentation to the British President (Rise of the Cybermen) while the footage of the Cyberman activating is from the cooling tunnels under the Cybus factory (The Age of Steel).
For the purposes of this list, a "Cyberman story" is one in which one living, authentic Cyberman plays a part within the confines of the story, outside of flashbacks to previous stories and cliffhangers that lead into the following story. For this reason, stories such as Dalek are absent due to only featuring deceased Cybermen on display. Stories like Carnival of Monsters, A Good Man Goes to War and The Vanquishers are also not included due to the Cybermen's appearance being of little consequence to the plot of the story.