Taran wood beasts were a species native to Tara. They were ape-like humanoids. Only their faces were visible through a coat of fur.
They lived in the forests and only attacked when frightened. A number of beasts were kept on Count Grendel of Gracht's estate for hunting. Romana I was attacked by a Taran wood beast, but Count Grendel drove it off. (TV: The Androids of Tara) Ten years later, the Seventh Doctor and Bernice Summerfield were confronted by a wood beast upon exiting the TARDIS. (PROSE: The Trials of Tara)
A Taran wood beasts was exhibited in the Space Museum when the Vashta Nerada invaded. (WC: Hall of Monsters)
Taran wood beast fangs were sold at Primo Temp. (COMIC: Buying Time)