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A tank-top was a sleeveless shirt which exposed the arms up to the shoulders. [source needed]

Rose Tyler wore a white tank-top when she met the Metaltron Dalek, the first of its kind she ever met, and Adam Mitchell during the Van Statten Incident. (TV: Dalek) She also wore it under her scarlet hoodie before, during and after the Battle of the Game Station in which she in her wolf deity form slew a Dalek Fleet including their Emperor and his Elite Guard; and when she witnessed the Ninth Doctor's regeneration into the Tenth Doctor. (TV: Bad Wolf|The Parting of the Ways, Born Again, The Christmas Invasion)

Martha Jones wore tank-tops which were dark peach, (TV: Smith and Jones-The Lazarus Experiment) vermillion, (TV: 42) black, (TV: Utopia) violet purple, (TV: Last of the Time Lords) or mauve. (TV: Reset)

Donna Noble wore tank-tops done in periwinkle, (TV: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead) or plum purple. (TV: Turn Left, The Stolen Earth/Journey's End)

Amy Pond wore an indigo tank-top under her scarlet v-neck and her chocolate brown bomber jacket. (TV: Victory of the Daleks; GAME: City of the Daleks, Blood of the Cybermen, TARDIS, Shadows of the Vashta Nerada) She also wore a beige camisole under a maroon tank top when she first meets Silurians during the Cwmtaff Incident. (TV: The Hungry Earth|Cold Blood)

Bill Potts wore a dove grey tank top. (TV: Knock Knock)

Lisa Deranne wore a black tank-top when she met the Sontarans Commander Steg and Lieutenant Vorn. (HOMEVID: Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans)

Tegan Jovanka wore an ivory tank-top. (TV: Arc of Infinity-Enlightenment)

Clara Oswald wore a raven tank top when she gained mental control of Bonnie, a Zygon rebel posing as her. (TV: The Zygon Inversion)  

Liz Shaw wore a plum purple tank top under an ivory shirt when she risked her own life to save the Third Doctor from the First Rani. (TV: Dimensions in Time)

Melody Pond wore an ash grey tank top with a raven black leather jacket as Mels Zucker. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

The Fifteenth Doctor wore a royal orange tank top when he met Ruby Sunday. (TV: The Church on Ruby Road)

Charlotte Pollard wore a charcoal grey tank top. (GAME: Legacy) She also wore a rust orange tank top when she met Sontarans including General Ignatius Antias Salutio and Commander Caecilius Crassus Procullus round Giant's Causeway during 55 BC. (AUDIO: The Battle of Giant's Causeway)

Kathryn McDonnell wore a black tank-top. (TV: 42)

Vienna Salvatori wore white tank-tops. (AUDIO: The Shadow Heart-Passion)
