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The 12th episode of Totally Doctor Who's second series premiered on the Friday after the BBC One debut of The Sound of Drums.

Due to coverage of the Wimbledon Championships on BBC One, this episode was broadcast on BBC Two.

It also hosted the twelfth and penultimate part of The Infinite Quest. The thirteenth and concluding chapter would not be broadcast individually, but incorporated into a re-edited omnibus version that incorporated the preceding twelve parts.

Studio segments[]

Studio guests[]

This weeks studio guests were:

  • Cody, Sara & Alia, Team Time Lord
  • Chris, Daniel & Molly, Team TARDIS
  • Six children, (4 boys and 2 girls)
  • Six adults, (4 boys and 2 girls)

Team Totally[]

Who goes there?[]

There was no Who goes there? competition this week.

VT featurettes[]

The Sound of Drums location report[]

Totally Fact File: The Master[]

TDW 25 Totally Fact File

A Dalek tells the viewers some quirky facts about the Saxon Master.

Name: The Master
Alias: Mister Saxon
Species: Time Lord
Status: Exiled from the planet Gallifrey
Special Power: Hypnosis
Past Alliances: Autons, Cybermen, Daleks

Music list[]

  • "Hustle" by Jamelia
  • "No Use Crying" by Embrace
  • "Romantic Type" by The Pigeon Detectives
  • "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John
  • "The World Was a Mess But His Hair Was Perfect" by The Rakes


General production staff Camera and lighting department

Art department

Make-up and prosthetics

  • Make Up - Sian Hicks

Special and visual effects

General post-production staff


Not every person who worked on this episode was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.

Home video releases[]

No episode of Totally Doctor Who has ever been commercially released.
